s e v e n .

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[Vernon POV]

She sulking.

"I put your things in front of your door," I said then, I enter my room.

-Huh, she sulking with me in three days. We eat lunch together but she didn't talk with me. I chuckle. That's not my fault. Then, I try to talk with her.

"Y/n, anything wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just not in my mood right now" she replied. I follow her until in front of her room.

"Why are you following me?" She asked.

"I want to tell you 1 secret, 3 words, 1 sentence," I said.

"Hurry" she rolled her eyes and I smirked.

"I like you" I whispered.

She widens her eyes and enters her room then close the door. She might be embarrassed. Suddenly a notification popped out. It is from an unknown number that always wishes me a good night every night:-


I like you too

I'm speechless. My face heats up.

[Y/n POV]

I closed the door. Did he??? Then I text him. I felt so embarrassing. How do I want to go out of my room? What happens if I see him? Huh, calm down!

-It's time for dinner. My stomach was singing. I walk downstairs to have my dinner. I sit in front of him. I just keep eating.

"Why are you guys too quiet?" My father asked.

"N-nothing," we said in unison and looked at each other.

As we finished our dinner, I walk to my room, and he walks to his room. When I want to enter my room, he holds my wrist and I look at him.

"Be my girlfriend?" He asked.

W-wait, what??!!! Of course yesssss

I nodded and kiss his cheek. Then, I enter my room.

[Vernon POV]

Did she kissed my cheek????? I froze for a moment. I laid on my bed and gaze at the ceiling. She is now my girlfriend. My vision becomes a blur and I fall asleep.


It has been a week after I confessed to her but we don't go for a date yet because she has a lot of work to do since this year is her last year before she graduates.

-I fetch her after her class end.

"So, how about our first date?" I asked for her opinion.

"Hurmm," she hummed. "Maybe I will be free this weekend"

"Good! This weekend okay?" I said.

"Deal" she replied. I pinch her cheek and she pouts.


We're going for our first date. When we walk downstairs, Mr Choi walked pass us.

"Where you guys want to go?" He asked.

"Our first date" Y/n replied.

"Seriously?" He widens his eyes. He looks at me from the top until my toes.

"Accepted. Have a good date" he said. Y/n hug his father and thanked him.

"But if you make she cry or sad, you will know the punishment that you will get" he added and I giggled.

We enjoy our date.


Hit reader 👋

I'm glad if you guys enjoying my fanfic. Thank you 😁

𝙽𝙴𝚆 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈𝙶𝚄𝙰𝚁𝙳 [SVT Vernon X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now