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kayla's P.O.V

i stood there looking in the tall mirror infront of me i looked myself over once again for like the tenth million time. i looked and my light brown hair that was up in a bun. my light makeup and my pericing blue icy eyes that could kill with one look. my black hoodie that was over sized and my grey sweatpants and my pink and blue od socks. i looked over at the suit case and millions of boxes that layed all around the room.

"good i hate packing with a massive passion" i muttered to myself

"don't we all" my sister Te said from the doorframe

"frick you scared the crap out of me Te" i said chucking a box at her

she caught it and then looked at me with her almost black eyes but still brown. her light brown hair falling over her eyes. she lifted her tan hand and flicked her hair out of the way. she fixed her sweatpants up and her grey hoddie. me and my sister have been close ever since dad left when we were ten mum is never really around she is always doing "busniess trips" it does suck but we deal with it. but the thing that is the best i have a twin sister here to take care of me but we can't do much cause i look like mum more and she looks like dad more and our eyes give it away anyway witch sucks but hey we still can pull off pranks and stuff. i was brought out from my thoughts when a flipping box hit me in the face. i jumped and then death glared the rolling figure that was laughing on the floor i jumped on her and started to punch her but not hard. we were brought apart by my dog alex he was a german shepared and he was big proberly bigger than a wolf.

" hurry up mum will be back at 5:00pm and then we are taking stuff to the airport okay we are leaving at 7:30 in the morning tomorrow to go to our new home in LA baby" Te said slowly walking out of my room.

i giggled to myself and sat up i hugged alex around the neck and kissed his nose. i stood up and placed my clothes in my suit case and zipped it up i placed many thing like photos, books, pillows, stuffed animals and many more in the many boxes that were scatted around my room. i tapped up all the boxes. and before i knew mum was home and we were packing the many cars up mine, Te's and mums. we both followed mum to the air port when we finished parssing our stuff to the air plane peple mum got on the plane to start everything at our new home. me and Te went back home in seprate cars to get everythng ready for tomorrow. mums car was being shipped tomorrow as well as mine and Te's. i walked in the now empty house and was greeted by alex staright away i got his cage ready and his food bowl and water bowl ready i grabbed his bed and blanket and his monkey that he sleeps with. i walked upstairs to my room and placed that remaining stuff in the last boxes and bag i had left while Te did the same. i flopped on the small matress that was in the corner that replaced my bed that is on it's way to america. i rolled over and cuddled into alex who was already asleep he likes to sleep next to me cause he protects me. i soon fell asleep but the last thing i heard was Te saying.

"mum you need to tell her soon you know that right you can't keep it away from kayla anymore and if you wont tell her i gladly will"


i chucked my phone to the other side of the room but then i realised it was my phone not my alarm clock so i hurried up to cheack my phone when i saw it was okay i sighed and got dressed in a hoddie and skinny jeans and vans. i woke alex up and we went downstairs i gave him breakfast and made bacon and eggs for myself and Te. who defintely smelled bacon case after two minutes of cooking she rushed into the kitchen like she was being chased i will tell you now she doesn't run unless someone is trying to kill her or if she smells food.

"good moring buttface" i said turning around and placing the food infront of her.

"good morning shit face" she said back with a mouth full of chewed up bacon.

i srcunched up my nose at her and finished my food. when we were down we clened up everything and chucked our paper plates in the bin and i placed the pan in my car. as well as alex in his cage with the help of Te. i placed the last boxes and my bag in the caras did Te she even bough a puppy yesterday he is a boxer X german sheperad called buster. we said good bye till we got to the airport. i got out of my car it was parked at the shipping area next to mums car and then Te pulled up alomost hitting me.

"bitch" i muttered to myself

she got out and we started to hand over our stuff the last to go were alex and buster they gave then a sleeping tablet and we were off to our new home. i was seated next to Te and some random that was fat and gross he smelt real bad it was nasty.

"you excited to start a new life i guess you could say" i said getting comfortable

"yeah i might meet the one and we will grow old together but i am also excited to see what happens at our 18th brthday party" Te replied

what is so special about our eightenth birthday i have been told something big is going to happen though but what who knows but i can't wait to see who is Te's perfect man as mine i can't wait LA here we come.

A/N so guys this is my second book i have another werewolf book and number two is coming for that book but i don't know when yet please vote, coment and share my loveies and i know it is not really long but it will be getting longer depending on my mood that day i will be updating about twice a week . thanks for reading my book

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