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We never realize how fast time moves when we are happy, right? That is the reason I did not realize until now that our sixth semester exams were due in a month. The days have been great since that night on the water tank building.

The night with professor V.

I followed his advice, have my friends back and I also am able to concentrate better in the classes. I am not zoning out anymore. I understand better. After a long time, I feel confident about myself.

After a long time, I feel I can make it through.

I will.

As for our beloved professor, there is only one thing that I do not understand. What is he trying to show?

Is there anything really? Or is it just me?

Because he has been wearing that bracelet ever since I tied it to his hand. Not once, and quite literally, not once since that night has he missed wearing that thing. Every day, I see it. The sparkling crystal teardrop pendant.

He is not ashamed of having it on his hand.

"That's a beautiful bracelet, sir." Yuna had exclaimed the very next day.

"I know." He simply said.

"Did you make it yourselves?" She pressed on.

"No it's a gift." He shot a glare at her making it clear, no one was supposed to talk about it again.

Apart from that one thing, nothing changed in him. He is the same, steel hard and ice cold. Due to his sternness, Miss Elegant Ponytail and her minions have reduced their flirting. Honey-coated voice is still there, twirling of hair is still there, huddling in front of him after classes is still there.

But these days, Prof V makes it visible if he does not like their behavior. It's a different matter that his disapproval does not affect them at all.

Also, my library trips have been reduced. Now, I go there only on Saturdays for fun reading. Once or twice I saw V sir there but he did not come to talk and I dared not do it on my own.

He also kept his word and did not tell the administration about the tank building.

But I did not find him there again.


"Who's going to get these notes copied?" Sanghee says.

Kai Bai Bo...

How is it that I always lose? Why the hell did I even take part?

"Wow! I have to get my own notes photocopied for you guys. What a justice!" I say grabbing my jacket.

The only photocopier on the campus is out of station since last week. The other shops outside...I don't really know where they are.

I have been walking for 15 minutes before a shop worth assisting me comes into view. Oh! Thank God. My legs already hurt and I still have to walk back all the way.

I come out of the shop and start walking when a car stops by my side. I know who it is inside.

The window rolls down revealing the face I was sure, would be there.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" He says. Honestly, it's just 9.30 p.m.

"I needed to get some notes photocopied."

"Get in. I'll drive you to the campus."

And now I am sitting in Kim Taehyung's car. Correction, luxury car. I feel so out of place. 

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