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Jelly (it's just Jelly lol) is a sky kid with parents, that have died in Golden Wasteland without returning. Because of that she ended up not having a cape until Sarina came along. She's timid but smart, and very charming around others.

Jelly is good at playing the piano and likes to play tunes around flights with friends. She is good at tricks when flying, and knows everything about jellyfishes.

Ever since Jelly lost her parents in Wasteland while she was with them, due to the many hits she lost her cape. Somehow she survived before getting sent to the void. It was always this way until Sarina found her in Sanctuary playing her piano sitting on top of one of the jellyfishes. They talked for a while and Jelly said she's scared of getting the winged light because she's afriad they'll be wiped out again by the krill. Sarina was the reason she got herself up and got her cape back because she gave her enough courage to conquer her fear.

Jelly has a few friends in the group, but has an unbreakable bond with Daniel. She has some powers, such as healing like Anaro. She can also talk to jellyfishes.

Jelly has a love interest/crush on Daniel due to his outgoing and trustworthy personality. Though, she knows that most of the group members might have already noticed things about the two being together.

Age: 18

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