Broke up

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Marinette's POV May

I was in my room crying my eyes out.Today while I was walking to school, I saw Luka wave at me.Of course I waved back.He beckoned me to get closer to him.Me and Luka are dating since back in New Years.I went up to him.

-"Hi Luka"-I said with a smile.

-"Hey Marinette, I need to tell you something"-He said-"Can I see you in the park at 4:30"

-"Okay I'll be there for sure"

What could he be wanting to tell me, something very important?

His expression was one of those unreadable expression he mostly used.

-"See you later then at the park"- he said.

-"Hey Luka what's the important thing you want to tell me?"-I asked but he didn't answer.

At the park


-"Oh hey Marinette"

-"So tell me what's the important thing you were wanting to tell me"

-"We are breaking up"-He simply said.


-"Because I'm in love with someone else"- and with that he left the park.

Who does he love now? After he finally paid attention to me I was the happiest person on Earth,now I'm the most miserable person there has ever lived.

-"Calm down Marinette"-Tikki said

-"How am I going to calm down Tikki he made me so happy when he finally put attention to me and now he just dumped me"

I need to know who he just dumped me for.

And with that I cried myself to sleep.

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