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Blaise, Draco, Pansy, and Theo all sat shocked. Blaise joined their table and sat shocked with them. Theo was about to say something but then a girl rushed in. She had straight brown hair and amber-like eyes. She seemed very familiar to them but they couldn't figure out why. Just then Weasley walked in.

"Hermione! Why do you look like that? Can you tell me what the plan is?"

Theo spit out his water. There was no fucking way that was Granger. Draco had the same look. Pansy punched Theo for spitting some of his drink on her. Hermione didn't seem to hear them and turned toward Ron. She narrowed her eyes at him and looked so done with him.

"Ron, Dumbledore told you the plan a thousand times. I even made you a pamphlet. You really need to read it. This year is going to be huge especially with Sirius!"

Blaise snickered hearing that Granger made a pamphlet. 

"What does this have to do with your hair and you looking totally different?"

The Slytherins looked around to see if anyone else was in the shop. It was empty besides them and Granger and Weasley. They couldn't help to wonder why the know-it-all didn't put up a Silencio spell. They watched as Granger grabbed Weasel and made him sit in front of her.

"Ron. I'm only saying this once and then your one your own. We know Selene is bi, so I'm going to woo her. We're going to date and then I'm going to break her heart. Then when she is all sad and alone Ginny is going to swoop in. But while she's with Ginny you're going to make her jealous, finally making her be with you. Everyone is going to pay attention to me so she is going to notice me more. Then when she's with you, Sirius is going to die and then you dump her, and then Dumbledore tells her the prophecy and she'll be all sad and alone after being broken up with so many times. And then finally, we date and we never have to be with her again. Then when she "saves" the world and dies, we will take all her money and empty her vaults."

She then let go of Ron.

"Simple enough right? So pull your head out of your ass and do this plan so we can get this over with and date. I know you want me and I want you too. We can leave in a couple minutes. I need to go to my vault check with my manager. All my books seem to be disappearing. We also need to take care of Ginny. Hopefully Molly checked up on her already."

They watched as Hermione kissed Ron on the lips, and left a pale looking Ron behind. Ron looked shocked but then he saw us.

"Slimy snakes! I bet you're the reason why Selene is gone." 

"Actually Weasley, Potter seems to be okay. Why in fact I saw her today! She was just talking to Blaise before she left with Lovegood." said Pansy


He left with his face turning purple and red, much to the amusement of The Slytherins. When he left, they immediately started talking.

"Holy shit what the fuck just happened?"

"Damn, so Granger and Weasel are two-faced?"

"And people say Slytherins are bad? We would never stab each other in the back!"

"And wow Potters bi? Hmm interesting..."

"Pansy shut your gay ass up"


"Damn girl! I was just playing!"

"I wAs JuSt PlAyInG!"

"I still don't believe that was Potter."

"What, can't get over the fact that she gut-punched you even though we're all at least a head taller than her?"

"Shut up Pansy!"

𝘈𝘵 𝘎𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 

𝘚𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘗𝘖𝘝

As soon as I landed Kreacher popped in front of me. He looked angry and worried.

"Mistress Black! The red-haired blood traitors are in the house!"

That set her on edge.

"Who, how many?!"

Then I stopped and calmed down. I needed to be calm about this.

"Sorry about that Kreacher. Can you tell me who is in the house?"

Kreacher nodded his head.

"A fat witch and a skinner version of her."

~'Okay it's just Molly and Ginny. I wonder why Sirus isn't here. Maybe he popped to Diagon Alley when I popped here?'

"Thank you Kreacher, I will take care of them. I'll let you know if I need you. Is Sirius here?"

"No, he left to go find you."

'Shit! meh I can worry about it later'

"Thanks Kreacher. I'm going to handle it."

Kreacher looked hesitant but popped away. I put on a delusion and silence spell. I knew they had to be outside the front yard because we have wards up.

When I walked in I came into the sight of Molly hitting Ginny and then Imperiusing her. It took everything in me not to just bitch slap Molly then and there. Molly walked past me and I heard her pop away. I could feel my eyes tear up. '

How could I be so quick to judge Ginny! No, I had every right to be cautious. I need to help her. Holy shit she could have some memory blocks on her.'

 I picked up Ginny and popped away to Gringotts.

𝘈 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳

While Barkchop took care of Ginny I wrote letters to everyone letting them know where I am and that I'm okay.

As soon as Ginny was okay and had her memories back, she hugged me tight telling me she was sorry and how she never hated me and Molly, Ron and Hermione were horrible people.

I calmed her down and told her it was okay. By that time it was 5:00pm. I spent the day with Ginny, Luna and Neville shopping. I gave Ginny a card from her vault that set up for her, and told her about the Manor. She was emotional but apologized. I understood her though. I hate crying. In front of people. Makes me feel weak.

By the time we got back it was 9:30. When we got to Grimmauld Place we were engulfed in hugs. The Weasley's cry with happiness at seeing their sister better. Soon they were telling her about the Manor.

"The library is so beautiful."

"I have my own office!"

"We have a business room too!"

"We have a quidditch room and new brooms!"

"Selene is the best!"

"She is actually our adopted child."

I giggled at the twins' antics. Soon Ginny left to go to the Weasley Manor and it was just me, Sirius and Remus. I looked between the both of them wondering what happened while I was gone. I cleared my throat.

"So. Are you guys going to tell me what happened while I was gone?"

Sirius and Remus looked at each other. Remus sighed.

"Look Selene I wanted to apologize to both you and Sirius. I should have freed Sirius and took custody of you. Sirius is my best friend and your other best friend's daughter. I didn't know that you were getting abused but I should have checked on you. I let Dumbledore get that best of me and I shouldn't be sorry. I hope you forgive me"-

Me and Sirius cut him off by hugging him.

"I forgive you Remus. I admit I was mad at you but I understand where you're coming from."

I smiled at Sirius' words.

"Soooooooo what are we doing tomorrow?"

"We're not going to tell you the surprise."

I pouted while they laughed at me.

'Damn it so close'

𝓘 𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓸 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓚𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓼 (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang