Anopha Annihilation pt.2

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The engines hurried down the branchline,the zombie horde followed after them. The thing about these zombies was they could run fast and aren't afraid to bash into things. While they were slower than the survivors the branch lines speed limit slowed the survivors down. This was due to the sharp turns and small bridges. There were plans to strengthen the tracks,however due to the funds not being available the plans never came into fruition. They rushed through Hackenback,it was mandatory for trains to slow down here due to the rain often softening the trackbed. This gave Percy a plan. "Slow down guys!" Percy yelled. "What?! Have you gone soft in your boiler,they'll catch us!" shouted Mavis terrified. "Just trust me!" The engines slowed down,up to the point where mavis' buffers were only a few inches away from the horde. As the gap closed there was a loud crashing sound as the ground gave way. The horde fell into the massive pit with the engines surviving. "That was close." panted a weary Douglas.
April 18 1976 11:43am
They slowly rolled into Knapford,tired and bruised but triumphant. The rest of the survivors welcomed them warmly as they rolled in.  "You guys look knackered." exclaimed Derek. "Ya, we had quite the adventure on the branch." replied Henrietta. "Oh hello there!" said Oliver. "We weren't expecting you guys to bring more survivors." "Well you know what they say, the more the merrier." replied Mavis wearily. After some eating they coupled up into a new formation and headed down the main line. However one thing struck their minds,where was Thomas?

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