Chapter two

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*Winnie's POV*

After she left the set and Charlie, she set onward to the quaint coffee shop that was in their town. She was meeting an old friend, so she really didn't lie to Charlie, She just didn't want him to know who she was meeting. Logan Conner, her 7th grade boyfriend.

"Winnie Jones." He said standing up from the table he was waiting at for her.

"Hi Logan, long time no see." The girl said hugging the taller man, he was definitely taller than Charlie.

"Yeah, about 10 year too long. You look beautiful as ever ." She felt her face heat up as a blush formed on her cheeks. Logan and her ended on bad terms back when they were 12. Winnie was heartbroken over him. She remembers just crying to Charlie that night. Feeling like she was never gonna find love. Even if she was 12.

"Thank you. So, how have you been?" She asked as they sat down at the table in the corner.

"Well, I've been great ever since we reconnected about a month ago. Definitely not expecting a message from you. But, it was a good thing. I promise." He said with that smile that caught Winnie's attention 10 years ago.

One day about a month ago. Winnie was bored at home as Charlie was going to multiple auditions. Leaving the house quiet and empty. So she hopped on her computer and saw she had a new friend request on Facebook. It was none other than Logan Conner. She smiled accepting the request and immediately messaged him. Logan was her first real and big girl crush. She hated the way things ended and knew they were only 12 so she wanted to see what he was up to nowadays.

"Yeah, bet you weren't expecting that one." She laughed. "So, how have you been?"

"I've been good, actually. I got married recently!" He said and Winnie awed.

"Aw, I love that. Congratulations! Who is the lucky girl?"

"Lucy Bennett." He said, wait a second.

"Lucy?? As in my middle school best friend Lucy Bennett?" She asks not knowing how to feel. Don't get her wrong she was happy for them, she just never knew they had a thing

"Yeah! We reconnected in high school! Dated and now married! Are you okay?" He asks seeing the upset look on the girls face.

"Yeah, no! I am happy for you guys! Really. Just wasn't expecting that." She laughed it off

"Well, I figured since you had Charlie and god knows he wouldn't let me date you again after what happened. So I moved on and turns out Lucy had a thing for me too." He said confusing Winnie. What did he mean when he said, I had Charlie and that He wouldn't let them back in my life.

"Oh Charlie and I, we aren't dating." She laughed, "Still just best friends!" She said nervously playing with her hair.

"I'm sorry, I thought he had finally made his move." He apologized

"Made his move? Charlie doesn't like me like that. He never has and never will."

"Do you not know?"

"Don't know what?" She said, starting to panic. She really didn't like being left out of anything. Whether it be at a party or with information.

"That's not my place to say, I'm sorry Winnie. I know how much you hate being left hanging like that." He said with a soft smile. She shook her head indicating it was okay.

"Let's talk more about your wedding!" She said desperately trying to change the subject to get her mind off of it. The two old friends sat and talked for an hour about anything and everything. From Logan and Lucy's wedding to how Charlie got started acting. She enjoyed talking with him. She hadn't had much friends in her life besides Charlie and Grandma Jones so this was nice.

"It was so good to see you again Logan! Tell Lucy I say Hi!" The pair shared a hug before they went their separate ways. Winnie really had nothing else to do, and Kenny said she was welcome to stay so why not go see Charlie doing what he loves.

*Third Persons POV*

Charlie was getting ready to run his first scene in his trailer. But his mind was elsewhere. Who was she meeting? Was it someone he knew? Was it someone that wasn't going to put her in danger in anyway? He needed some air. He walked out of his trailer and to the field that was behind it to clear his mind. All he could think about was Winnie. It was all he could ever think about.

On the other side of the set Winnie was welcomed by Owen and Jermey.

"Hey guys!" She said

"Hey Winnie! You came back!" Owen said, giving her a side hug.

"Yeah I did," She laughed "Have you seen Charlie?" She asked the pair.

They looked at each other for a moment before shaking their heads. She thanked them as she wandered the set to see if she could find him. She was walking towards the trailers when her eyes wandered to the field behind them. There he was. She smiled, shaking her head as she walked over to where he was.

"Hey." She said softly, then sitting down next to him.

"Oh hey you. How did your meeting go?" He asked, turning to look at the brunette.

"It went good! Oh you'll never believe this!" She said hitting his shoulder making him laugh


"So I met up with Logan," She got interrupted

"Logan Conner? The low life that broke your heart back in 7th grade?" He said a little bit of jealousy rising in him. Why would she wanna rekindle that friendship?

"Yes Char, everything was fine and that was 10 years ago! Anyways! Him and Lucy Bennett got married this year! Can you believe that! I never knew she had one for him." She said sighing

"Oh wow, did not see that one coming. Are you okay with that? You don't seem too happy for them." He asked fully turning so he was sitting in front of his best friend

"No, yeah I am happy for them! I'm thrilled they found each other. I just kinda wish I had found someone by now." She said, shrugging her shoulders looking away from Charlie. He reached for her hand to comfort her. She sent him a small smile in return. Charlie knew how much this hurt her. All her life she had been a hopeless romantic. Waiting for prince charming to just come sweep her off her feet. Which is why she dated a lot in high school.

"Hey, look at me. You will, and as far as I'm concerned you are already married." He said with a goofy smile on his face. She looked at him weirdly.

"Kindergarten, Miss Robert's class. Under the basketball hoop." He said bring an old memory for her. Making her smile and shake her head.

"How could I forget? Most magical day of my life." She joked with a hand over her heart.

Smiling, Charlie stood up to bring her up with him. She pulled him into one of her famous hugs. Charlie hugged her back just as tight. Moments like these make everything worth it for Charlie. Even if they were just best friends. Charlie could live with that. As long as he was by her side.

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