Chapter VI [M]

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After the game finished, which of course, we won. Again. I started to walk towards the backstage to see Jennie but Krystal tugged me.

I need your help.” She asked desperately, I looked at Jisoo and Seul who were talking with Chaeng and Irene.

Jennie was the first one to go to the locker room as if she’s avoiding something or someone. It’s kind of funny.

This girl.

Okay.” I said and leave my friends at the gym.

We made it outside for a couple of minutes but she dragged me in a more secluded area, it was dark and no one will see us here.

Confused as I am, I still followed her until she stopped and faced me.
I look around.

Do you plan on murdering me?” I asked, jokingly but she didn’t. She just stared at me and sighed.

I have a problem.” She said. And I had to admit, that made me worry. I walked close to her and reached for her hand to check if there were bruises in them but didn’t see anything except the old ones.

She chuckled and released my grip on her.

I was with Amber last night.” She started and I had to nod for her to continue, she contemplated but continued anyway, “She saw my bruises and she uh, she was angry.”

I nodded again, not getting where the problem is. She must have noticed that I didn’t understand, she continued.

I was forced to tell her, she knew Kai. Hell, she knows him too well and she was planning on going here one of these days,” I saw fear in her eyes, I cocked my head on the side, still not getting it.

Lisa, she’ll take her revenge! Help me!” She said, dramatically waving her hand in the air as frustration eat her up.

Ah-huh, and?” I asked, she looked at me incredulously. “What’s the problem on that? And you had to drag me all the way here.” I said spreading my arms to emphasize my point.

Didn’t you just hear me?!” She asked

I did. I’ll gladly help her, don’t worry.” I said and smiled but that quickly vanished when she smacked me in my head. “AW!” My hand caressed my head.

You! Dumb idiot! I don’t want you to help her! I want you to help ME, stop her!” She shouted.

I sighed exasperatedly, getting annoyed.

And why would I stop her?! He deserved to be beaten!” I raised my voice at her. AGAIN, she smacked me. “STOP!” I said, fuck my brain fucking cells!

Wait,” I said when I realized something. She looked at me with irritated eyes. “You’re worried about Kai?” I asked, she was about to answer but I continued, “WTH is wrong with you women caring about that bastard?” I yelled, completely annoyed!

N---” I cut her off again.

Do you love him that much for you to become an Idiot?!” Oh, I was mad, really mad.


I will help Amber. Not you!” I said and turned to walk away but she held my arm and turned me back around. Oh, god! That made me dizzy a ‘lil bit.

This is why I dragged you here! So, I could shout and knock some sense in your little brain!” She yelled, “I want you to help me stop Amber because I don’t want her to get hurt!

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