The Invitation

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You closed the door softly behind you, letting out a big sigh. Another day done. As it got closer to Christmas, work always got busier. You didn't know if it was something in the air at this time of year, of if it was just the amount of firewhiskey consumed, but St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries became almost unbearable.

After leaving Hogwarts, you were unsure what your next step should be. It took a long time to land on an A&E assistant, and even then it was only because your mother had gotten you the job. Sick of seeing you vegetate at home, she gave you an ultimatum. Take the job or leave. Of course you know she would never really kick you out, you took the job anyway. You loved your mother and hated to think that you were letting her down.

Shortly after you started the job, her and your dad took off. Travelling the world, visiting places you'd never heard of, only returning for the odd Christmas. You looked sadly at the postcards on the fridge. "Greetings from Tomsk!" Where the fuck was Tomsk? This was the latest in your ever growing collection. You were happy for them, and you'd never grudge them the opportunity, but you really missed them.

It was always harder at this time of year. Sometimes you felt like you had no one.

A soft squeak came from the corner by the window.

"Evie" you smiled softly. Your only friend. You had gotten Evie as a parting gift from your parents. They had taken the family owl, Venus, with them when they left. You were brokenhearted, Venus had been there for all your years at Hogwarts, paying you visits in the Owlery even when she had no letters for you. So, your parents got you Evie, a scop owl. Nice and small so it doesn't attract too much attention when it swoops in and out of the window of your flat.

You laid your keys on the table, and your eyes fell onto an envelope. It hadnt moved since you opened it 2 weeks ago. It was an invitation, the familiar writing and stamp gave it away automatically when Evie had dropped it next to you one morning at breakfast time. It was from Hogwarts. You opened it quickly, confused. It had been 4 years since youd last received a letter from them. The last one included a list of items you would need for your last year at Hogwarts. Youd assumed there had been a mistake, laughing quickly. Mistakes arent common when it comes to Hogwarts. Skimming your eyes over the invitation, your heart dropped. You had been invited to a Dinner and Dance hosted by the school to celebrate Minerva McGonagall, the Head of Gryffindor and more importantly your favorite teacher. She was retiring after a long and successful career. The invitation said that you, along with some other former pupils, teachers and friends of hers, had been picked to attend.

You laid the letter down, and put it out of your head.

Unfortunately, the time had come to make a decision. The event was this Friday.

"What do you think, Evie? Do i want to go back there?" Evie hooted affectionately. "you would think that." you retorted. Of course you didnt know what she'd said, but you'd grown so accustom to her, you liked to think you knew exactly what she was saying.

I guess it would be kind of cool to see the castle again, and you really did think highly of Professor McGonagall. It would be great to see her again.

But what would you even wear? A quick glance in your wardrobe was grim. You never went anywhere other than work to need nice clothes. Lying on the floor of the wardrobe was your Hogwarts trunk, filled with memories of your time there, and your Hufflepuff robe. You had enjoyed your time at Hogwarts, but you felt a little embarrassed by how little you had achieved in the few years since you left. You sighed again, would you be the only one with this concern? Probably not. You thought back to your classmates. Hermione Granger sprang to mind immediately. She had been in a different league to you, there was no comparison. You were surprised she wasnt Head of The Ministery of Magic by now. Other names and faces popped into your head. A butterfly fluttered in the pit of your stomach. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to see everyone again.

You looked at your watch. It was only 8am, you had been on nightshift. You thought for a minute and Evie squawked impatiently.

"Okay, okay. I'll get a few hours sleep, then i'll go to Diagon Alley and find something to wear!"

Evie nodded, satisfied by your decision.

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