The Second Invitation

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A loud bang woke you from your sleep. You moaned and rolled over, willing yourself to go back to sleep. You had dreamt that Ron had surprised you after work, and you had spent the night making love, catching up for the few weeks you had been apart from. The smell of cinnamon and apple on your pillow made your breath catch in your throat, it hadnt been a dream, he was really here.

You opened your eyes, looking round the room. Where was he? Pulling on your robe you walked into the living room and your eyes fell on him. Wrapped up in a jacket, he still wore the Santa hat from yesterday, you giggled to yourself. This got his attention, he looked towards you and smiled.

"Ah, morning. Did I wake you?" he frowned. You shook your head, lying. "Good. I thought I'd get breakfast, I got a bit lost though" he shook his head. "I honestly dont know how your survive without being able to....poof" he waved his hand, refering to apparition.

"I get by" you smiled sleepily as you walked towards him, wrapping your arms round his torso and looking at the selection of treats he had bought. There was alot for two people.

"Yeah I got carried away, everything looked delicious. Oh, and I tried to pay with galleons" he laughed, "funniest thing though, the old bat accepted it. Reckon she must be passed it"

This had confirmed your suspicions about the lady at the bakery, you smiled to yourself, and promised that you'd try to make more effort with her in the future.

You sat down at the table and Ron brought over your breakfast, humming happily to himself. He seemed different this morning, lighter somehow. You felt a smile spread across your face, this was perfect. For the first time in years, you werent going to be alone on Christmas.

"Oh, Merry Christmas Eve" you grinned to him as he sat across from you.

"You too, darling" he smiled, giving you a wink. A warmth spread over your body, you were falling for him. Hard.

You watched him eating for a few seconds, a thought suddenly crossing your mind.

"Ron!" his head shot up, a panicked look on his face. "I dont have anything to give you for Christmas dinner!" he just laughed.

"Dont be silly, I dont care about food!" You looked at him, sitting there with a croissant in one hand, and a bagel in the other. "Well, maybe I do..." he said sheepishly, "but I really dont mind. I just want to spend time with you."

This wasnt good enough for you though. He was used to magical Christmases at home. The last thing you wanted was for him to give that up for a crappy day with you. No, you had to do something.

"I'll never get anything this close to Christmas day" you sighed.

"It's ok, y/n, honestly" he said softly, reaching over and taking your hand. You watched him for a minute, feeling the tears building behind your eyes.

"We have to do something, Ron" you spoke quietly, "I want it to be special for us. For you." Deep down, you hoped this would be the first of many Christmases you would spend with Ron, though you would never say that out loud, and you wanted it to be perfect.

He sighed, staring at you deeply from across the table.

"There is one thing he could do" his face brightened.

"What? Tell me."

"We could go to mums..."

You sat motionless, not taking your eyes off him. Was he inviting you home for Christmas, to meet his family, to share the special day with them? Did this mean that he liked you just as much as you liked him? What if his family didnt like you? Or were angry that you had imposed on their family time.

"Or was just an idea." Ron looked away, disappointed. You had been quiet for too long.

"Yes...I mean...ok" you nodded, "aslong as your mum doesnt mind? I dont want to impose, she has enough to deal with without me showing up aswell. Oh, Ron, I dont know...maybe its not such a good idea."

He got up and walked round the table to you. crouching down next to you, he took your hands in his own. "Are you kidding? Mum will be over the moon to have us there." he pulled you into a hug and whispered into your ear "and dont worry, they'll love you."

The rest of the morning was spent on Diagon Alley. After you had agreed to join the Weasley's for Christmas, you had dragged Ron there to buy them some gifts. You hated the idea of showing up empty handed, especially since Ron decided not to inform them that either of you were going. He wanted to surprise them.

It was soon time to go. Packing was difficult, you didnt know how long you were staying for and you were too shy you ask Ron so you decided to just go with the flow. You packed all the presents you had bought and wrapped earlier. Ron had insisted on helping, it was easy to spot the ones he had wrapped. His wrapping ability left something to be desired. You had changed your outfit several times and clothes were scattered all over your room when Ron came in to check on you.

"How are you...woah." he stopped, looking around. You sat on the bed and looked at him helplessly. "are you nervous?" he asked, sitting next to you. You nodded and rested your head on his shoulder, pouting. "Dont be, if mum can find it in her to love the twins, she'll have no problem with you" he nudged you gently. You let out a small chuckle, he always made things better. "You look beautiful" he smiled, getting up and leaving you to it. You walked over to the mirror, checking yourself over. You didnt have the energy to change again, so this would do. You wore a slightly baggy cream knitted jumper, a red checked skirt, with a pair of tights and ankle boots. Grabbing your wand, you flicked it slightly, and watched as all the clothes flew back into your wardrobe, leaving your bedroom tidy again.

Ron had just sent Evie on her way when you joined him in the living room. "Ready?" he asked, reaching for your hand. You put on your coat and nodded, taking a deep breath before touching him

The living room around you disappeared, the familiar nauseous feeling rose from the pit of your stomach. Ron tightened his grip on you. Suddenly, the countryside came into view, and before you knew it, you had landed in the middle of a field, stumbling slightly causing Ron to grab you.

"Thanks" you smiled, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

Looking around, you soon spotted the most wonderful home you had ever seen. It towered into the sky, the soft lights making it seem so welcoming. You could already hear the chatter from inside, even though you were a small distance away. You suddenly felt nervous again.

"Its not much, but its home" Ron said quietly beside you, as if he was embarrassed.

"Its perfect" you smiled. Suddenly, he grabbed you close to him, planting his lips firmly on yours. You parted your lips and allowed him to tease you with his tongue. His hands were cupping your face gently. After what felt like hours, he pulled away, leaving you speechless.

"Sorry, just had to get that out before we went inside" he smiled, pecking you softly on your lips, then taking your hand. "Lets go."

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