Hufflepuff Dorm

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I apologise for ending the last chapter the way I did, like I said, I like a slow burner. This chapter also contains smut, so please skip if you dont want to read it! I also just want to say thank you if you've made it this far! I hope you are enjoying it, please let me know if theres anything I can improve on!

The cold hit you as soon as you get outside. You didnt think to bring a jacket, why would you have? You reach the edge of the courtyard, stop and look out towards the Black Lake. You lean against the small wall in front of you to keep your balance. The fresh air making you realize how drunk you had gotten. That explains why you were behaving the way you were. You barely knew Ron, what must he think of you? You felt your cheeks go red again, even though it was freezing outside.

Theres a movement behind you, and you dont have to turn round to know who it is.

"y/n?" Ron says quietly. You dont turn round, you cant, you are so embarrassed. He pulls his dress robes over your shoulders and turns you round, keeping hold of your waist.

"Are you ok? Was it something I did?"

"No, Im sorry" you said quietly, "I dont know what came over me, Im not usually like that"

He pulled you close to him and wrapped his arms round you, you hugged him back and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I liked it," he whispered "incase you couldnt tell" you felt him smile.

You smiled too. What is going on with you? You like this guy, its completely normal to want to do those things with him. You always do this, you never let youself have any fun and look where its gotten you.

You move back so you are still hugging but are looking at each other now

"I can't help myself around you" he says softly, looking at your lips again. "I havent stopped thinking about you since we met the other day, then I see you tonight and you are..." he trailed off.

The butterflies return to your stomach, you reach up and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes, and slowly leans down and kisses you on your cheek. You feel brave again, you reach up but this time you kiss him softly on the lips. Before you know it, his lips are on yours. The hunger and lust that had built up during the night came crashing over you both. You parted your lips and his tongue entered your mouth. His hands moved from your waist, he rested one on your cheek, his thumb running over your jawline. The other ran down your back, finding its way onto your ass. He squeezed it gently. You let out a small moan into his mouth, which seemed to drive him crazy, he moved you backwards and lifted you up so you were sat on the wall you had been leaning against earlier. He forces his way between your legs which you then wrapped around him.

He breaks the kiss, and moves to your neck and then your shoulders, leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin. His hand moves from your cheek, running it down your body, he stops and hovers over your breasts. He moves his head back to look at you, seeking permission. You nodd and kiss him before he can move his lips away again. His hand grabs softly at your breasts and once again, you moan into his mouth. He thrusts his crotch into you, and you can feel his erection again.

You run your hands all over his upper body, feeling every muscle through his shirt. You need him.

This time, its you who breaks the kiss. He starts kissing your neck, moving to your collarbone this time.

"Have you ever been in the Hufflepuff basement?" you ask him, breathless. He shakes his head while still kissing you, taking a minute to realize what you are saying.

"Wait...are you sure?" he asks, as he stops kissing you and looks back into your eyes. You nod, youre sure. Infact, if he doesnt come with you right now, you have no idea what youll do.

He grabs your hand and basically drags you behind him. After a few minutes you arrive at the barrels beside the entrance. He lets go of your hand, allowing you to tap the correct barrels to open the door.

You go in first, quickly looking around the room to make sure no one else is there. Ron follows you in.

"You want the tour?" you ask him. He looks at you and thinks for a second. Slowly, he walks towards you, wrapping his arms round your waist again.

"No, I really dont." he kisses you deeply, holding you close which you are thankful for because the kiss has made your knees go weak.

"Come on then" you smile once he has stopped. Its your turn to drag him, you take his hand and lead him to the dorm.

The second the door to the dorm closes behind you, Ron has you pinned against it, his body pressed firmly against yours, his mouth exploring your neck again. He pulls you away from the door towards the bed, then turns you round to unzip your dress. For a brief moment, you are too scared to turn round. You had decided not to wear underwear tonight, meaning the moment you turned round, he'd see every naked inch of you. He realized this quickly, took hold of your arm gently and turned you round. His eyes widened as he took you all in.

"and i thought you looked good with the dress on" he muttered. He pulled you towards him, kissing you passionately. You ran your hands up his chest, unbuttoning his shirt on the way back down. He took his shirt off, and now it was your turn. You ran your eyes all over him. He was perfect. You started to kiss all over his chest as you fumbled with his belt. Before long, he is completely naked too. He lays you down on the bed and hovers above you, staring at you for just a split second before he starts kissing you. He starts at your lips, moves towards your neck, then your collarbone, and finally your breasts. He starts teasing your nipples with his tongue, making you gasp. He looks up and smiles at you.

He runs his hand down your side, stopping when he gets to your thigh. He gives it a small squeeze, then slowly brushes his fingers over you, finding his way to your core. Rubbing you gently, he makes eye contact with you again,

"Is this ok? We can stop if you want." he whispered. You shook your head.

"No...dont stop" you reply. This is music to his ears, he kisses you intensely as he moves his fingers inside you. You moan into his mouth again. You have never felt this good, you needed him.

"Ron, please" you pant "fuck me."

The words make him groan, and he quickly positions himself between your legs. He slowly slides himself inside of you, his eyes locked on yours, looking for any sign of discomfort.

"Are you ok?" he asks. You nod breathlessly and he starts to thrust slowly, taking his time, filling every inch of you. He leans down and kisses you, softly at first, then more hungrily as his thrusts start to speed up.

It doesnt take long for you to feel your orgasm building up inside of you. Ron notices the change in your breathing and starts to slow down. You can't believe he's doing this when you are so close to the edge. You gasp his name. He grins down at you, adjusts his hips slightly, then thrusts himself hard inside you.

You feel your orgasm at the pit of your stomach and before you know it, its in every inch of your body. You groan loudly as he trusts once, twice, three times more, then collapses breathless on top of you.

Neither of you move for a few minutes. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having him so close. His heart racing, his breath slowly steadying against your neck. He eventually rolls off of you, wraps an arm under your body and pulls you close to him. You look up and your eyes meet once more.

"That was..." you break the silence

"Yeah" he nods, grinning. You let out a giggle and suddenly become aware of your naked body pressed against his. You reach for the covers, and pull them up and over the both of you.

"You dont need to do that with me" he whispers, tightening his grip on you and kissing you softly.

A smile spreads across your face. Did that really just happen?

You lay there together for what feels like forever, just kissing, talking and laughing. It feels so natural with him. Your eyes start to get heavy, and you notice that he is trying to hide a yawn.

"sleep?" you ask. He nods, giving you a soft, lingering kiss, before he closes his eyes. You watch him for a few minutes, your heart still racing, then you drift off into a deep sleep.

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