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You wake early the next morning. Your head is pounding from all the whiskey the night before. Then you remember everything that had happened. A smile spread across your face, but it didnt last long as you realized you couldnt feel Ron next to you anymore. Of course, it was just a one night stand. It had been stupid of you to assume any differently. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. Then you saw him. He was stood staring out the window at the snow falling on the ground. Your heart skipped a bit. He was still here.

"Good morning" you said quietly. Your voice took him out of his trance, he looked over at the bed and smiled.

"Good morning, y/n" he replied. He had only put his underwear back on, which you took to be a good sign. He wasnt in a hurry to leave.

"Have you been awake for long?" you asked. He shook his head and walked back to join you. He sat on the bed beside you, leaned over and kissed you longingly.

He made himself comfortable next to you, wrapping his arms round you, as you both stared out the window at the snow.

"So...last night..." he broke the silence after a few minutes.

Here it comes, the let down. You braced yourself for it.

"I'm not usually like that," he started "so...forward. I'm sorry if I forced you into anything" he looked at you nervously.

You didnt know what to say, never at any point had you felt pressured. You loved every second of it.

You kissed him softly, hoping this would ease his mind. He smiled broadly.

"I also want you to know that I want to do it again." you looked shocked at him when he said this.

"I thought you werent usually forward, Ron?!" you laughed making him blush.

"I didnt mean right now...although..." he lifted the blanket and looked at your body again, laughing. "I just meant, I'd like to see you again. Maybe even have something first." he blushed again.

"I'd like that too" you assured him. He kissed you again and held you tightly against him.

You spent the next hour or so talking about anything and everything. You felt like you were really getting to know him. It was soon time to get up and get ready for breakfast in the Great Hall. You really didnt feel like eating, but Ron insisted. Who knows when we'll get to have a feast like that again, he'd told you. You agreed, and had a quick shower to freshen yourself up.

You offered to just see him there, making excuses so you could hang back. You worried that he wouldnt want to be seen with you, or have people talking about you both.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the dorm, putting any negative thoughts out of your head.

He didnt let go of your hand as you walked through the corridors together, reminiscing about the school days.

"Well, well, well." a familiar voice boomed from the end of the corridor.

"Whats this all about, George?"

"I dont know, Fred. I think our brother must have forgotten where the Gryffindor tower is."

"He never has been very bright, has he George?"

The twins laughed as you approached them.

"What are you pair doing here?" Ron asked.

"Looking for you, of course. We were very worried."

"Sure you were." Ron shook his head. You blushed as the twins looked at you.

"y/n, nice to see you again." Fred said, "nice night? We spoke to Hannah earlier, she told us there were some funny noises coming from your room last night"

You could have died.

"Should have used the imperturbable charm" Ron mumbled, looking at you out of the corner of his eye with a smile on his face. This made you blush even more. There was no way you could go to breakfast now, everyone would already know.

"Its nice to see you both again" you said, trying desperately to change the subject.

"Not as nice as it was to see our brother" Fred grinned as Ron pulled you away.

"Ignore them" he insisted.

You were soon outside the doors of the Great Hall, you slowed right now, desperate to come up with an excuse not to go in. Ron could sense your hesitation. He stopped walking, pulled you towards him and kissed you.

"Its ok, y/n. Theres nothing to be ashamed of."

You looked up at him, into his eyes and automatically felt better. He was right, you were adults now. Its not like you were sneaking around after classes.

He took your hand again, and walked you into the hall, heading towards his friends. You noticed Hannah straight away and the heat rushed to your cheeks again. She saw you, gave you a little thumbs up, and winked.

"Good night?" Harry asked Ron as you both sat down.

Ron nodded, "brilliant mate. I'd have snuck into the Hufflepuff common room years ago if I knew what happened in there"

You hit his arm softly, you wanted the ground to swallow you up. Everyone round the table laughed, then returned to the conversations they were having before you joined them.

Ron gave you a cheeky peck on the cheek and winked at you, before helping himself to the food infront of him.

Note: I didnt really know what I wanted to happen in this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed it!

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