Not The End.

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There is a small sexual reference in this chapter, only a few sentences worth!

The next few days were among the best of your life. It had definitely been the best Christmas you'd ever had. You didnt have any siblings, so watching the way the Weasley children were with each other was a wonderful experience. You envied them. Molly had been especially kind to you, taking you under her wing almost immediately. She kept telling you how lovely it was to finally see Ron with someone, and how she hoped he treated you well.

The days were filled with food and laughter. Watching Fred and George teach Ollie some old wizard drinking games had been a particular highlight for you. Ollie had surprised you. You had been expecting him to turn and run within the first few minutes of arriving, but he had soon adapted well, not even flinching when the twins would apparate next to him. Molly had begged them to stop, but her efforts had been in vain.

The nights took a different turn. Ron was keen to get you upstairs and all to himself. He was exhausting you, but you didnt once complain. Every night like clockwork, he would shoot you a look that said "now." and you would make your excuses and head to bed. You were sure his family could see straight through them, the twins especially, but you didnt mind. You wanted to make the most of your time with Ron. On your last night at The Burrow, you decided to surprise him. You had made your excuses early, and rushed upstairs. You had found Ron's Chudley Cannons shirt earlier that day. By the time Ron joined you, you were on the bed, wearing the shirt and nothing else. This had been too much for him, and he was inside you before you could say anything.

You stood infront of The Burrow the next day, sadness flooding over you as you held back tears. Ron joined you soon, carrying your bag, he wrapped one arm round you and looked back at his home.

"Thank you, Ron." you broke the silence. Ron didnt reply, he just pulled you closer and kissed your head. Everyone had came out to say their goodbyes

"Please do come and visit us soon." Molly said as she gave you one last hug, wiping a tear from her eye. You nodded.

"Ron, a minute..." Mr. Weasley smiled, pulling his son away from you. He stood far enough away that you couldnt hear him. It looked serious. You had walked in on the two of them a few times over the course of the last few days. The conversation cut short at your appearance. Ron insisted it was nothing when you questioned him, but it had made you nervous.

Ron was soon back by your side. You said one last goodbye to everyone, and just like that, The Burrow was gone and you were back in your small flat. It seemed smaller now than before. Ron had insisted on coming back with you. He wanted to help you take down all the decorations he had put up a few days previously, but he couldnt stay, he had to get back to work. You put on some music to try and lighten the mood. You were sad that you'd have to say goodbye soon, but you didnt want your last few hours with him to be sad ones.

Before long, the laughter was back and you found yourselves dancing around the living room to your favorite muggle band. Ron grabbed you and spun you round, leaving you dizzy as you collapsed onto the couch, cheeks sore from smiling so much. Ron sat down next to you, laughing.

"I have to get going" he frowned, realizing how much time had passed. The sadness you felt at The Burrow returned as you said your goodbyes. You begged him to stay safe, and to write to you often. He agreed, promising to see you soon. He pulled you into a tight hug, his lips pressed against your forehead.

"y/n..?" you barely heard his voice, he had spoke so quietly. You looked up, meeting his eyes. "I love you."

You hadnt been expecting him to say that, although you knew you felt that way too, you didnt think he was there yet.

"I love you, Ron." you replied. He kissed you softly, looked deep in your eyes, and he was gone again.

It had been a week since he left. You thought about him constantly, he was even in your dreams. You read his letters over and over, hearing his voice in your head. Each letter ended the same way,

"I love you.


Early one morning, you were awoken by Evie's panicked hoots from the living room. You checked the time, 3.15am. You stumbled out of bed, "Evie, calm down. What is it?" your heart stopped. Could it be Ron?

You entered the room, a figure stood in the middle, trying to sooth Evie. You didnt recognise him at first, your hand reaching back into the bedroom and slowly picking up your wand. You slowly pointed it in his direction.

"Who are you..." you spoke quietly, the stranger jumped, turning round to face you. "Harry...?" you gasped. He was covered in cuts and bruises, his glasses broken, clothes torn.

"y/'s Ron..." 

And scene! I really hope you have enjoyed this story, this is the first thing I've written in a long long time. Please let me know what you think, and let me know if you'd be interested in what happens next! I have an idea for a second part, but I can't decide if I'll write it or not!  Thanks again for reading, stay safe!

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