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Thanks for sticking with the story, I wanted a slow burner and hope youre enjoying it. This is your warning that this chapter contains smut! So please skip it if you're not here for that. If you are...enjoy!

You couldn't help but watch Ron. He had changed so much from school, and not just physically. He laughed and joked with his friends, it seemed like he didnt have a care in the world. At school, it always seemed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. It couldn't have been easy being best friends with The Chosen One, Harry Potter. The Gryffindor's posed and giggled as they got their photo taken with Professor McGonagall. You then heard Ron call out to her.

"Come on Prof, lets have a dance for old times sake!" he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the dance floor, swinging her round and round. You smiled to yourself, then felt a pang of jealousy in your stomach. Really, y/n? She's old enough to be his grandmother.

You chuckled to yourself at how ridiculous you were being.

Soon your attention turned to Hannah, who was swooning over Neville. She couldnt believe the change in him either. You wondered, however, if her attention would be better suited elsewhere. You always had an suspicion that Neville was into boys.

"What about Ron though, that boy was drooling all over you" she whispered to you, so no one else could hear "you didnt say you had kept in touch with him!"

"I haven't" you answered. "We bumped into each other the other day, thats all"

"Well, there was definitely chemistry" she nodded, looking at the empty glass in her hand. "C'mon y/n, lets do some shots!"

You reluctantly agreed. You werent much of a drinker, but maybe a little dutch courage would help you talk to Ron again.

Shortly after, Neville came back over inviting you both to join them at their table. You both nodded, collected you things and followed him over.

Your heart was racing, the butterflies in your stomach had butterflies of their own. You panicked, you didnt think you could do this. But it was too late, you were at the table.

There were 2 empty seats, Hannah spotted this before you, quickly sitting next to Hermione, leaving the last seat next to Ron for you to sit in. She gave you a wink as she sat down, immediately turning to Hermione to chat.

Ron looked up and spotted you, standing up quickly he pulled the seat beside him out so you could sit down, edging himself closer to you as he sat back down, just like he had done a few days before. He turned his whole body towards yours, and put an arm round the back of your seat.

"Having fun?" he asked as he passed you a glass of wine.

"I am actually, I'm glad I came" you smiled.

"Me too, and Im glad you wore that dress." he looked you up and down again. You blushed

"Like the dress, huh?" you managed to say and he nodded quickly.

You both joined in on the various topics of conversation around the table, it was nice to hear what everyone else was up to. You had been silly to worry about what anyone would think of you, no one at the table judged you for what you did, or how you ended up. You really were enjoying yourself.

You were always aware of the person next to you, every so often you'd catch him out of the corner of your eye starting at you. He'd start at your face, then move slowly down to your breasts, stopping at the exposed thigh he could see at the slit of your dress. You tried not to catch his eye, but you found yourself staring at him too when he wasnt looking. He had taken off his dress robes now, his tie undone and the top few buttons of his shirt opened. From where you were sitting you could see a glimpse of his chest. You felt the burning sensation in your stomach again, but this time, it had moved down to your core. You had never wanted anyone more.

Without warning, Ron moved his hand off the back of your chair, and rested it on your shoulder. His warm touch spread through your whole body, including your cheeks, which must have been glowing by now.

You looked at him out of the corner of your eye again, he was looking across the table at Neville who was telling everyone what it was like to still be at Hogwarts. You could see that he was smiling to himself, he turned and looked at you, his smile widened, and gave you a little wink. You smiled back. What was he doing to you? you were going to explode.

After another shot of firewhiskey, you were feeling brave. You took the hand nearest him and laid it softly on his thigh, just above his knee. You could sense him looking at you, but kept your eyes firmly on Hannah, who was across the table.

"Another drink?" He asked you quietly, passing another shot infront of you. You really didnt want to, scared that you'd get too drunk and make a fool of yourself, but you couldnt say no to him.

"Thank you" you nodded, you both clinked your glasses together and drank at the same time. He pulled your chair even closer to his, your bodies touching and only inches between your faces. His familiar smell of apple and cinnamon was now mixed with whiskey. You looked closely at his face, taking in all his features. Feeling your heart ready to burst out of your chest. You could have been wrong, but you were sure he was leaning in, his gaze swapping between your eyes and your lips.

This is it, you thought, finding yourself leaning closer too.

"What, no room for us?!" a voice from behind you made you both jump.

You looked up to see Fred and George Weasley stood at either side of you and Ron. They were looking round the table at all the full seats. You hadnt even realized they were here tonight, I guess your attention had been on other things.

"Don't all move at once." George shook his head, "I'll go get seats from another table, since you lot arent going to bother" he said sarcastically.

Suddenly, you felt Ron's arm move down your back, grip your waist and pull you onto his lap.

"Here, theres one seat" he looked up at his brothers.

"Cosy." the twins said in unison.

Ron kept one hand on his glass on the table, and kept the other tightly round your waist.

"Is this ok?" he whispered into your ear so that no one else could hear. You turned your head to look down on him and nodded

"Aslong as I'm not squashing you" you said, feeling a bit self conscious. He shook his head, leaned close to your ear

"I'd been hoping to feel you on top of me all night" he whispered.

You almost fell off the chair. You didnt expect this from him atal, but it was exactly what you had wanted.

"Have i mentioned how much I like your dress?" he whispered, his hand moving down your thigh and playing with the hem between his fingers. You nodded again. You werent able to speak. You were so turned on, you couldn't even think straight. His hand brushed the skin on your thigh, it send waves of desire through your entire body. How long could this go on for?

Another shot found its way into your hand and you drank it immediately. You wanted to drive him just as crazy as he was driving you. You started moving your ass slowly against him, tiny little movements so that no one else round the table but him noticed. And boy did he notice. His hand gripped your thigh tight as you felt him gasp into your shoulder. You turned to him

"Is this ok?" repeating the question he had asked you earlier. He only nodded, his eyes staring at your lips. This was driving you crazy. But you liked it, you liked feeling in control. You had never felt this powerful. You leaned forward slightly towards the table, as if you were going to grab a drink. A quiet gasp escaped your mouth as you felt him hard against you, his erection digging into your core. You sat back up straight and felt him groan quietly as he leaned his head on your shoulder.

"Fuck, y/n" he whispered.

Then suddenly, you became aware of where you were. Looking around to make sure no one had noticed, you felt your chest tightening. What were you doing? This wasnt you.

"I'm sorry, I need some air" you said quietly, jumping off his lap and walking quickly towards the door. You looked back to see him fidgeting awkwardly in his seat.

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