The Fool

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You walked slowly back to the Hufflepuff common room. Every step you took was a step closer to this weekend being over. Ron squeezed your hand.

"I'll meet you back at the courtyard, we can get the train together?" he smiled as you approached the barrels. You could only nod.

He pulled you close to him, kissing your head softly.

"See you in a bit, darling."

You smiled and the butterflies almost exploded out of your stomach.

"Bye, Ron"

You stood and watched him walk away, smiling every time he turned to look at you. Once he was out of sight, you went into the common room, closing the door softly behind you. Soon, you were back in the room you had woken up in just a few short hours ago. The smell of Ron lingered in the air as you sat down on the bed. You grinned, thinking of the night before. You could have never predicted this.

There wasnt much for you to pack, so before long you were ready to go. You had found Ron's dress robes on the floor and decided to put them into your suitcase, you would give them back on the train.

You took one final look around the room, wishing you could stay forever and live this weekend on repeat.

You reached the courtyard soon after, glancing around for any sign of Ron. He'd be running late, you thought. You stood for a while, watching everyone passing on their way to catch the train. How long were you supposed to wait? 10 minutes passed, you felt sick. He wasnt coming.

You made your way back down to the station, feeling more alone than you did when you arrived yesterday. Had it really only been yesterday? So much had happened.

Soon, you were on the train, and felt it slowly pulling away from the Hogwarts station, the castle disappearing from sight. You fought back tears the whole way back to Kings Cross. You had almost gotten up to go and look for him, but you convinced yourself he didnt want to see you again. This had just been a weekend fling for him, if you went to find him now, you would just look desperate. He and his friends would make a fool of you. You closed you eyes, wishing this journey to be over. All you wanted now was to be back in your small flat with Evie and to forget about this whole weekend. How could you forget it? It had been one of the best and most magical weekends of your life. You pictured Ron, in his dress robes, flirting with you at the table, kissing you outside, holding you in bed. It was like a sad movie.

Your eyes opened and you were at Kings Cross, you couldnt be sure if you had fallen asleep or not. you looked around, the train was slowly emptying. Quickly, you grabbed your case and pushed your way off the train, walking briskly to the wall that would take you back to the real world. You didnt look back. Keeping you head down, you left Kings Cross, and ran to the nearest underground, the rain hiding your tears from passers-by.

Before long, you arrived at the door to your flat. You let out a sigh, it was over. You were safe at home now, where no one could hurt you. Evie let out an excited hoot as you walked in. The rain had been so heavy it had soaked you right through. How apt, you thought.

You opened the window for Evie. She, like you, enjoyed the safety of her cage, so she didnt mind being left for a night or two but she would need to go and stretch her wings. You watched her fly out over the horizon. Turning back to the room, you switched some music on and went to start the shower. A shower would warm you up again, and help you wash the weekend away. Your eyes filled up again at the thought. You were sad, this had been the first time you had let your guard down in a long time. You were also angry, what had you done to deserve being left? Nothing, thats just the kind of things men do, you thought. Thats why you dont usually bother with them, you had been hurt one too many times. But you really thought that Ron would be different, he seemed different. Your stomach sank. Stop thinking about him, a voice in your head pleaded.

You went into your bedroom and took off all your soaking clothes. You caught the reflection yourself in the mirror, you were still the same person, you had just made a mistake. An error in judgment. It would be hard, but you would be ok.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Sighing, you grabbed your robe and slipped it over your shoulders, tying it tightly. This always happened when you let Evie out, a neighbour would be certain they spotted an owl flying out your window and come to question you. You'd have to convince them they were mistaken, but agree to keep an eye out for the mysterious flying object.

You opened the door with a little too much force, startling the person on the other side.

He stood infront of you, dripping wet from the rain, clothes clinging to his body. Drops of water dripping off his hair and running down his face.


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