Return to Hogwarts

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Friday morning arrived quick, the last few days a blur of nerves and thoughts of Ron Weasley. You'd never forgive yourself for what you'd done. But you just couldnt help it, there was something about him that was so warm, so inviting. He felt like home. You had replayed that afternoon in your head over and over, each time with a different ending. You even found yourself having some extremely inappropriate thoughts about what you would have liked to have happened.

You shook yourself before your mind could wander any further. What had gotten into you? A quick glance at the clock told you it was time to leave to catch the Hogwarts Express. It was still all very surreal, you were certain that you'd never take another journey on that train again. You checked your bag quickly to make sure you had packed everything, then you were out the door quickly, saying a last goodbye to Evie. You wished you could have taken her with you, but that would have looked extremely odd to your old classmates.

You decided to take the underground to Kings Cross. It wasnt a very long walk, but that morning was particularly cold. It didnt take too long, and around 30 minutes later, you found yourself beside the wall that would take you onto the Platform. Had it not been for Ron informing you he had been invited too, you would have thought someone was pulling a cruel prank on you. Watching from afar, waiting for you to run straight into the wall. But it was real, and you were going. A deep inhale of breath and you were through.

There it was, the Hogwarts Express. Steam bellowing out the front. You felt 11 again. It was as if you were seeing it for the first time, you didnt know what to expect of the journey, or the castle that awaited you. Well, you know one thing for sure, Ron would be there. As always, you were early, so you climbed aboard the train and easily found an empty compartment. You stowed your case and sat down by the window. Soon there were crowds of people, some you recognised, some you didnt.

The silence in the compartment was broken by a voice

"y/n, is that you? Wow its so nice to see you again. Do you mind if I sit?" it was Hannah Abbott. You nodded and were soon catching up with your old roommate. You were fond of Hannah at school, like you she kept to herself, and she was always very pleasant.

You were soon joined in the compartment by two other girls, you didnt know either of them as they had been younger than you. They were nice enough though and you found talking to them helped the journey pass and keep your thoughts away from a certain red head. You found yourself looking at the door of the compartment often, hoping to see him walk by but with no luck. Infact, you didnt see him atal during the whole journey.

The train arrived at Hogwarts, and everyone quickly exited the train, a wave of excitement swept over the platform as you all spotted the castle in the distance. A short Thestral ride later and you arrived at Hogwarts, climbing the stairs to the castle, looking all around. Half of you taking in the surroundings, the other half hoping for a glimpse of a red head.

You were soon down at the Hufflepuff common room, it hadnt changed atal. As there wasnt many of you there, you all got a dorm room each, which suited you just fine. You liked your space.

The dinner and dance was due to start at 6pm, which meant you had plenty time to explore then get ready. You were fairly low maintenance, it would only take you an hour or so to get ready. You hung up your dress by the wardrobe and set out to wander the castle, making sure you had plenty layers on, it looked like it might snow.

The castle was quiet, despite the amount of people who had been on the train. You assumed they were all still in their dorms and common rooms, catching up with old friends.

Looking into empty class rooms, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. Your time here had flown in, you had made such special memories here, but when you left, one thing led to another and you lost touch with those you had been close with. You made a promise to yourself that when you got home again, you'd try to reconnect. Things had gotten lonely for you, all you did was work, but it didnt have to be that way, and it wasnt too late for things to change.

Before you knew it, you were back at the Hufflepuff common room, and it was time to start preparing for the evening.

You walked down to the Great Hall with Hannah. It had been closed off earlier in the day, so this was the one place you hadnt revisited. The doors were now open, and it was breath taking. Decorated in Christmas trees and floating candles, it reminded you of the Christmases you had spent here. There was a seating chart at the entrance, you stood looking at it for a few seconds, you eyes scanning the names, hoping to see one in particular. Hannah interrupted your search, declaring that you were both on the same table and dragging you away.

The table you were on were mostly Hufflepuffs, some older, some younger. You recognised a few faces, but didnt know them. Thankful for Hannah being there, you gave her a grin as you clinked your glasses together. This would be the first drink of many that evening.

After a while, you relax and let your eyes scan the room. It isnt long before they fall on a red headed figure a few tables away from you. Your heart skipped a beat. There he is, you think to yourself as you crane your neck slightly to see more. He is with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and several other Gryffindor's you recognize from your year. The drinks are flowing freely, all of them laughing and enjoying each others company. Every so often, Ron looks up and looks around the hall. You wonder what he's looking for.

The meal is served, its just as amazing as you'd have expected it to be, the elves have really outdone themselves for this event. After the plates disappear from infront of you, replaced magically by more alcohol, the hall goes quiet as teachers and pupils, past and present, stand and say a few words about Professor McGonnagall. You can see her in the middle of the long table at the top of the hall, she often wipes her eyes with a tissue, its clear she is thought very highly of by everyone in the room.

After the speeches, the music plays and the hall erupts with chatter. It isnt long before a tall, dark haired boy approaches the table. You had saw him at Rons table earlier, but you couldnt put your finger on who he was. He was extremely handsome.

"y/n, Hannah! How are you both!" he spoke. You looked nervously at Hannah, who was this?

"Neville!" she cried, jumping out of her seat.

Neville Longbottom? Was that really him? He had changed. Alot.

You stood up and gave him a hug, and he began filling you both in on what he had been up to since school. He had stayed at Hogwarts, working closely with Professor Sprout, learning all he could about Herbology, which had became a passion of his at Hogwarts.

"He's after her job." a voice from behind him spoke. He turned round and thats when you saw him, Ron. You hadnt noticed him coming towards the table. Your eyes met and his face lit up, you dont think he had noticed you either.

"y/n!" he smiled, walking round the table towards you, you stood to great him. He gave you a hug, like he had done a few days earlier at The Leaky Cauldron. This time you made sure you didnt smell him.

"Ron, how are you?" you asked, as you pulled away from each other. He didnt step back very far from you.

"Great, this is a great night huh, are you having fun?" he asked. His eyes left your face and travelled, slowly, down your body. He seemed to drink in every inch of you. You suddenly felt quite exposed, forgetting just now much of you the dressed showed off.

His voice broke "you look amazing, wow. I like your dress" he blushed, realising that he had spent a little too long looking at your body.

"Thank you" you blushed too. "You look great too, very handsome"

"Thanks, better than the last time I wore dress robes in here" he laughed. A few others at the table laughed too, thinking back to year 4. Ron's mum had sent him dress robes for the Yule Ball that year, and they definitely werent as smart as the ones he wore tonight.

Your eyes connected again and you both smiled. He slowly lowered his glance down you again, then back up to your face, stopping briefly at your lips. You could feel yourself getting redder, but you didnt want him to stop. No one had ever looked at you like that before. You felt a fire in the pit of your stomach that you had never experienced before.

"Ron, Neville, can I borrow you for a second? I want to get a photo before you both have too much to drink!" Your eye contact was broken by Hermione Granger. She looked at you and smiled, and gave you an awkward little wave. You returned the gesture, cursing her in your head.

"Sure, see you later, y/n?" Ron looked back at you, you nodded. He took one last look of you, biting his lip softly, then turned and left with Neville. You saw Neville whisper something to him, and Ron gave him a shove and laughed.

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