Christmas at The Burrow

987 37 12

This chapter contains smut

"Hello everyone."

You had both managed to enter the house without anyone noticing, they were all too engaged in their own conversations to notice. Ron's voice was loud over theirs, causing them all to turn round, a silence falling over the room.

"Ronald!" Mrs. Weasley was the first to speak. She had gotten up from her seat and rushed over, grabbing her son in a tight embrace, kissing him several times on the cheek. You smiled as you watched them, too scared to let your eyes move to the other people in the room.

"Give it a rest mum, bloody hell." you could see Ron's face turn red, he looked at you from the corner of his eye. It had been like Mrs. Weasley hadnt noticed you until this point, too overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of her youngest son. "Mum, this is y/n."

"Of course, y/n" Mrs. Weasley turned her attention to you, giving you a lovely warm hug. "It's nice to finally meet you, Ronald has told us so much about you" she kept her hands on your shoulders and looked at you fondly as she spoke.

"Blimey mum!" Ron huffed, as he walked away from the two of you.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Weasley. I've heard a lot you too" you smiled, moving your eyes to the people behind her "all of you, actually"

"Call me Molly, dear" Mrs. Weasley insisted, as she took your hand and pulled you over to meet the other members of the Weasley family.

Soon you were sat infront of the fire. Ron was next to you on the couch, both arms wrapped protectively round you as you leaned you body into him. You had been made to feel so at home, it was like you had been here before. You had offered countless times to help Molly with the dinner she was preparing, but each time you were turned away, as dishes and utensils flew through the air.

"Mum lives for stuff like this" Ron had told you, before he dragged you away to join him on the couch. It was just the two of you. The twins had excused themselves not long after you arrived and had went upstairs to finish preparing everyone's gifts. Mr. Weasley, Bill and Charlie were outside, adding some last minute decorations to the outside of the house. Ginny hadnt arrived yet, Molly had told you, which wasnt unlike her. "Likes to make an entrance" she sighed. Percy wouldnt be joining the family this year, he had been working hard at the Ministry and couldnt afford the time off. You were unsure if anyone else would be joining you all.

"This is perfect." Ron said softly into your ear. You could only nod, he was right. Infact, you couldnt believe you had been nervous, this felt like home to you.

His lips trailed along your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Slowly, he moved his hand from your waist, down to the hem of your skirt, playing with it slightly, before running his hand under the skirt and back up your thigh.

"Ron..." you moaned, reaching for his hand. Your eyes shot to his mum in the kitchen.

"C' one will notice. You're driving me crazy." he whispered into your ear, pulling the blanket that had been draped over the back of the couch over your bottom half.

"I'm not doing anything!" you whispered back.

"You're always doing something for me." he continued kissing your neck, his hand finally finding the waist of your tights. He slowly pulled them down, allowing just enough room for his hand to reach in and play with your underwear.

"You're unreal" you laughed quietly, biting your lip softly and relaxing into his touch.

His fingers teased you, rubbing over your underwear softly. He moaned slightly as he felt you get wetter at his touch. Slowly, he moved your underwear out of the way, his fingers finally finding your core, making you gasp quietly.

"You like that?" he whispered, his voice sending electricity through your entire body. You nodded. "Good girl." you felt him smile against your neck as he kissed it gently.

"Look who we found outside!" a voice suddenly boomed through the house, interrupting you both. Ron quickly pulled his hand away from you, "fuck." he coughed quietly. You both looked up to see Ginny standing at the door. You looked closer and saw Evie perched on her shoulder.

"Reckon she got here just before us" Ginny spoke, as Evie spotted you and Ron and flew over to you both.

"Hey you" Ron said as she landed on the arm of the chair next to him, "you sure pick your moments" he whispered to her, causing you to giggle.

You both got up to greet Ginny, you remembered her from school. She had been a year younger than you but you had spoke often throughout your time in Hogwarts together. She gave you a hug as you reached her

"Hi, y/n! Merry Christmas!"

"You too, Ginny, its good to see you." you replied. You noticed a man standing behind her. He was looking around at the room, his eyes landed on what was happening in the kitchen and he looked terrified.

"Everyone, this is Ollie." Ginny annouched.

Ron leaned passed you to shake his hand, muttering "muggle" into your ear as he did. You understood immediately.

Fred and George suddenly appeared at either side of Ollie, causing him to let out a small squeal. You held back your laughter as you watched the twins going out their way to make him even more uncomfortable than he already was.

You felt Ron lean close to you, stealing your attention. "Upstairs, now." he whispered, before grabbing your hand and pulling you away from his family. 

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