Diagon Alley

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As you approached the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron, your heart almost leapt out of your chest.  You hadn't managed to sleep. Lying awake, you changed your mind several times about going.  Then you got up and read the invitation over and over.

You were to be at platform 9 & 3/4 at 10am on Friday morning, the Hogwarts Express would be taking all attendees to the school, just like the first day of term.  As the event was in the evening, you'd have time to wander the castle and grounds at your leisure, then get ready for the night.  The school was closed to pupils as they were now on their Christmas breaks, so once the event was over, you'd return to the dormitory you had called home during your years at the Hogwarts. The train would then take everyone back to Kings Cross the following morning, after breakfast in the Great Hall, of course.

Reading the invitation panicked you even more. Spending the night in a dorm with what could very well be a group of complete strangers? Sounded like hell. However, you knew if you didnt go, youd regret it.  You'd spend Friday night at home, all alone, wondering what might be happening.

You gave up on sleep, got out of bed, showered and dressed to leave. Before heading out the door, you opened your money box, took some wizard money and put it into your bag.  That would save you a trip to Gringotts, which was due to be busy at this time of year.

The door to the Leaky Cauldron opened infront of you, and two older wizards stepped out, commenting on how cold the weather had gotten. They held the door open for you, and you nodded your thanks as the warmth from the pub hit your cheeks.

You often passed through the pub on your way to the alley, so you could make your way to the back without having to lift your head. Before you knew it, you were standing infront of the wall out the back. "Tappity tap" you murmured to yourself, as you tapped the bricks with your wand. As soon as the wall started to move, you placed you wand back into your bag and held your breath.

It was always a magnificent sight, to see Diagon Alley appear infront of you. It was bustling with witches and wizards.  Families doing Christmas shopping, young couples walking hand in hand, and older shoppers, admiring the new shops that had opened since their last visit.  You loved it here, you felt like this was the one place you could truly disappear.  A sea of people and not one of them looked your way.

You started walking down one side of the road, staring into shop windows. It looked even more magical at this time of year. Christmas was one muggle tradition that wizarding families enjoyed.  Gringotts stood at the top of the street, people queuing outside as you'd expected. It was the one building that wasn't done up for Christmas, and this didnt surprise you atal.  Truth be told, you were terrified of the place and avoided going in at all costs. There had been rumours of a dragon escaping through the roof in your last year of Hogwarts, you didnt know if you believed it or not, but it certainly wouldnt have surprised you.  And you definitely didnt want to be stuck inside if it were to ever happen again.

There was a great commotion at a shop up ahead.  You glanced up and immediately knew what it was. "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes" had opened before you left Hogwarts, but you had never went inside.  It always seemed packed with people. You liked Fred and George Weasley alot at school, they were older than you but everyone knew them. You felt a bit guilty that you had never went in for a look, but you could see they weren't struggling for customers.

The warm air hit you again as you entered a small dress shop next to Ollivanders, it was quiet in comparison to the street outside. You liked that. After 20 or so minutes of searching, you finally decided on a dress. It was black, silk, clung to you in all the right places, and had an open back, which suited you fine as you knew any sort of social interaction made you so nervous, you'd usually start to sweat. For the life of you, you couldnt understand why you were still single.  You smiled to yourself as you paid, and thanked the young witch behind the counter.

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