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The grogginess began to lift. At first she felt warmth from a fire. It enveloped her. Comforted her. She smelled something familiar. Not something, someone. Mint and campfire. For a moment she thought Sheriff Reece had fallen asleep with her in front of her fireplace again. Then it all came back to her. Her eyes flew open and she gasped. She looked around the cave she was in.

It was illuminated by a medium fire by the opening. There was a jacket draped over her that she removed. She groaned and tried to move, only to have sharp pain shoot up her left thigh. She looked down to see her thigh was bandaged up and dried blood was all over her. Her sleeping gown was practically in shreds. She felt weak. Tired. But she needed to get up.

She scooted to the wall and slowly pushed up. After what seemed like forever, she managed to stand. She was sweating and breathing heavily. She put her weight on her uninjured leg as she limped carefully along the wall. She reached the mouth of the cave and was going to try her luck at leaving, when she heard voices off to the side.

"Why the fuck were you out there?! Why the hell were you trying to kill her?! Why couldn't I mind-link you? Tell me why I shouldn't rip you apart right now!" Brandon roared.

"Please, Alpha Reece. I-I can't explain why I was out there. One moment I was at home eating dinner, the next I was the wolf and attacking her. I don't know what came over me. I beg you...to think of my mate and pups." The other voice stuttered and pleaded.

What were they talking about? What did he mean by alpha? Pups as in dogs? She had never heard the sheriff sound so upset. For a moment her fear went away and curiosity made her peek out of the cave. She instantly regretted it. The sheriff's back was to her. He only had pants on and was streaked with blood. The man in front of him was nude and had blood on him as well. He looked like a wild man. Thankfully she didn't see his genitals because the sheriff was blocking her view. She watched with shock as the sheriff actually growled at the man. It was a guttural, inhuman sound. The man looked as if he was in pain. He let out a groan and tilted his neck to the side. He bared his neck in a way a dog would. He looked scared but stayed silent as the sheriff regarded him.

"Get outta my sight. I will deal with you soon." Sheriff Reece ground out.

She averted her eyes for a moment as the man left, then she watched as the sheriff put his hands on his hips and blew out a frustrated breath. The familiar gesture constricted her heart and she almost called out to him. He froze and lifted his head to sniff the air. His hands dropped and he turned. She sucked in a breath. More blood was on his front, including over his mouth. The smell of coppery blood flooded her nose. Fear shot through her system and she pushed off the wall ready to run. His eyes were wide as he raised his hands in a calming gesture and approached slowly.

"It's alright. Don't be scared. I will explain everything but first let's get you back inside." His voice was gentle.

The opposite of how he was talking to the other man. She blinked back tears.

"Brandon..." She choked out.

His eyes flashed yellow and within seconds he was in front of her. Folding her into his embrace. He was very warm. As if he had a fever. She could feel him stroking her hair.

"Shhh. I ain't goin' to let any harm come to you."

She was so confused about what was happening but she decided to allow him the opportunity to explain. An odd sensation tickled her mind. Sadness and worry came to her. She was too tired to decipher what it meant at the moment, so she ignored it. He loosened his hold on her and she looked up at him.

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