journey, 1st

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with curiosity, comes journey

A human can get so lonely, then began to take something out of her, the journey then begins. The journey into a world not so magical, instead its full of peace. A peaceful ending that humans want, but not everyone is granted to have. A human who sacrificed a lot, are divine. A human who had a dreadful life, are punished. A human who were lost, are guided.

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All humans have one great weakness, curiosity. It drives humans crazy, they would take everything at risk, just to see what curiosity could bring to them. With weakness, comes fear—fear of losing something that can make humans above others. Can be power, can be love, can be adoration—namely seungcheol

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june, 1390

His view to his world drastically changed, when a concubine of his father tried to poison him and his parents after a family dinner. He was luckily saved, but the world was only kind to him. His father was pronounced dead after a 10 minutes as white bubbles came out of his mouth. He wasn't just angry, his emotions was raging out of his body. After the tragic lost of his parents, the kingdom of goryeo dynasty declared him as the king at a young age. His reign was evil, and full of resentment.

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