treasure, 3rd

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the seeker's treasure

The step brother decided to keep the princess away from the palace. To keep her safe, and alive. He then saw himself become a traitor of his own palace, when seunghceol, his older brother became suspicious of him-- as he often sneak out of the palace to make sure that the princess is still breathing.

On fine morning, as his usual routine of sneaking out of the palace, the older brother together with his head guards caught him and followed his way. The younger brother was then questioned, and brought a fight between him and his brother. As he was near a knock out, he saw the familiar figure of the princess, and there she stood right at the point tip of the young prince's sword—she pushed it through her body, blood dripping down her clothes.

"m-my treasure is now gone, and my life should be... t-too"

The younger prince cried, on his knees as he held the princess—"you're a traitor" seungcheol said, his anger raged out. he blamed his brother all the time as he still mourned by his lost, and he lost someone again--was it his brother's fault too? 

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The fate of the emperor changed, his punishment was settled—and he became the grim reaper. 

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