pinwheel, 8th

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the pinwheel and the innocent boy

June, 2015

"leave me alone. Please" the boy said to himself, as his stomach growled from hunger. He hasn't ate a solid food to make his stomach satisfied for the past 16 hours.

"I won't eat" he insisted, as his growling stomach ached more. He got scolded earlier, because he's too chubby for an idol. He didn't thought of having a certain weight is part of being an idol, he only thought of having talent can make you an idol—because his talent is far beyond other trainees. He is very talented—he was casted by his agency when he posted a video of himself singing. His rich toned-voice, that has emotional depth, and can make you cry to how beautiful it is. But despite having that gift, he still struggle to blend in with the standards—your face should be small and v-shaped, your weight should have a limit, and your height is still criticized--how inhumane;

How can someone breathe comfortably, when they know that every inch of their body is being criticized, and are seen as ugly by a lot of people. He endured that pain. Did he want to quit? No. he said, "i can do it" and he will do it until the very end—and yet, he'll reach to his very end.

He went back to the dance studio, to practice more. He said "it's not enough." Is 16 hours of practice, not enough? Maybe, for him "its not enough." He was used to hear that word. Ever since he started hearing those words, he hasn't been satisfied with his progress. It is really not enough, when you thought that you're doing your best but no one appreciates it—it's really inhumane

As he dance over and over again, the ache on his stomach was all already over him. His mind cannot process correctly, as he sensed that his whole world was spinning in circles, his hands were trembling, his knees felt weak—and there he collapsed.

-          -

As the innocent boy reached his after life, his eyes scanned his surroundings, above are lights that were turned off. in front of him was a thousand of empty seats that goes up to the ceiling, at the center of it was a spot made for him. This looks just like his dream, a stage where he would perform and his fans shouting at him with full support, love, and appreciation. A dream that he wants, and he's currently striving to do. He stood up to his position, as he saw a silhouette from the third row of the empty seats. He followed the shadow, as he heard a humming noise that sounded like a magical tune. His beautiful voice hummed with the tune, as he got closer to the shadow, he saw a figure of a white tiger—and there the tiger escorted him to the mansion, and the grim reaper welcomed him.

"its nice to meet you, seungkwan" the grim reaper greeted;

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