cherry blossoms, 4th

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the cherry blossoms and memories of life

april, 2015

Every after school during the late of March in 2011, Junhui and Annchi—the two best friends, or lovers? I don't know. He doesn't know either. They always went straight to their favorite spot—safe spot that's what they call it, where cherry blossoms would fall down from the trees, they would just sit there and procrastinate, and forget all the worries for a while. It's their hobby.

They would promise each other that they will buy their own house, be rich, and live together no matter what happens. No matter what happen?—ha ha shit. She still remembers—always remember, even afterlife she would still remember the last words he said. "im leaving, im sorry" She asked why, because who would leave her? Well, she's not that pretty, its not like hot that boys would drool over her when she walks in front of them, she's not that perfect—at least that's what she thought.

"im going to korea, remember that time when I said I auditioned for some company? I got accepted" he said, with a big smile on his face. That was his dream, even when he's still a small kid he would always say "I wanted to be a famous singer, and when I became famous I will buy you everything you want." I'm proud of him—I really am, just a little broken somewhere in the chest.

But now she is fully broken, not only there somewhere in the chest, but on her full body, mind and life. Why? It's not that easy to explain, mostly because she hasn't moved on yet—but can she ever accept that her mom died, because of a stupid drunk driver. Her father? All gone when she's still a baby. Her relatives? So far away, you cannot even see a single glance of their faces.

Now she's alone, and perhaps lost—she can't figure out where "Myeongding?" "Myeongda?" "Myeongdong?"—myeongdong it is. Yup, she decided to stay Korea, with no hope but only Junhui. She still don't know whether he would be happy that his best friend or lover or a girl rom his childhood. nevertheless, she gladly made a decision out of her indecisive mind, for the best of her—atleast for the best. Various thoughts have been bothering her, "should I quit life?" "Should I work in an unregistered bar and dance?" "Should I audition too?—cut that crap, I'm not talented, I'm useless"

Too harsh, too hard, too blind—that's her on herself, and also the world to her;

She found her way to a small airbnb that she booked, it was a shabby place. She placed her bags on the table and directly laid down on the bed;



1:00 pm

hey! this is junhui, right? You gave me your number.

I'm annchi, btw

I just got here in Korea

1:40 pm

text me pls


An hour passed, and the hour is still passing by. With no avail of junhui, she started breaking down. "who would fly to Korea to see his long lost best friend?—only me" "because im the only stupid girl in the world" "fuck, this is gonna be the end of my life"


I'll tell you who Annchi is;

She is the kindest girl, and beautiful to be exact. She doesn't even think of herself first. She would prioritize her mother, all her need, and food. She would always pay a visit to Junhui's mom and dad, give them food if she still have anything left. She is not stupid—well, maybe a little. It's not her fault if she's getting tired of everything, she had gone through every rocky path, every thunder she would still bravely stand. 

She's just tired.


After an hour of unpacking the things she brought, she began realizing she forgot to pack her essentials. Now, she would smell like a trash—no one wants that. Using a navigation app that she thought would be useful, she decided to take a walk to the nearest convenience store. Maybe it wasn't her lucky day—was she even lucky her whole life? Nope. Her app can't even help her, the connection was slow. She decided to walk straight, it was safe in her area. Afterall the sun is still up and shining. 

She then found herself near a train railway, she was surely unfamiliar with the place. A block away from her, a gate opened as car drove down the uphill landscaping of the house. The car was a black sedan, a hint of a clothing was pinned and seemingly stuck down the left car door at the back of the driver's seat. It didn't seem to bother her, when a sudden head bang was made. The car's window seemingly painted with a droplets of red. A car from behind her abruptly rage its speed. A struck of lighting was beaming her--no eyes would want to witness that;

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