Chapter 12 - Closing In

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'The Reapers' sat together in Bob's trailer keeping their eyes peeled for movement around the Audi. They spotted a young guy looking at the car and cursing. "Well I guess that's the guy whose abducted our girl." said Bob. "Bad news buddy, we ain't goin' anywhere and neither are you."

Wesley could not believe the Audi had been blocked - "Fucking dumb ass trailer trash!" He kicked out at the four by four truck and entered the trailer he had hired for the night.

Jessica jumped as he slammed the door. "Some arsehole has blocked us in. Could be anyone of the dumb country bums around here!"

Jess went to the door to take a look. "Hey, don't worry Wes. I'm sure they'll move. Look I'll go and find out from the management office who owns the four by four and then I'll ask them to move." She smiled, "Oh, and thanks for getting me these clothes, I feel more comfortable like this."

As Jessica left the trailer Drew picked up his mobile and dialled Leanne, "Hi babe, I've seen your friend, she is looking tired but other than that absolutely fine. Its weird it doesn't seem like she is being held against her will. In fact the guy who is with her has let her walk off on her own."

Leanne was baffled and put Drew on speak phone so everyone could hear. He described what Jess was wearing and even took a picture to confirm it was her. "Looks like she is coming over to our trailer. I think she has spoken to the manager to find out who has blocked the Audi. If she comes here what do you want us to do?"

"Hey Drew, it's Paul, tell her you've broken down and see if you can find out why she left Malibu and try and confirm if she is with a guy named Wesley." Paul said.

"Sure will do. How far out are you?" Drew replied.

"About twenty five minutes." The driver said checking the satnav system.

"We can hold them here for that short time. See you in a bit." Drew hang up.

Jessica made her way over to Drew's trailer and knocked, she waited a moment and when she got no answer walked across to Jimmy's trailer and tried the door there. When she got no response Jess moved to Bob's trailer. She knocked twice.

"I guess I'll best get the door then." Bob announced to the group.

He got up and made his way over to the door, "Hey there, can I help you?" he said as he answered.

"Oh, Hi," Jessica said, "Yeah, I'm really sorry to bother you, but my car is blocked in by your four by four. You wouldn't be able to move it so I can get out would you?"

"Really?" Bob replied buying for time, "We kinda got in late last night from a gig so didn't realise I was parked up so close. I'll see if I can get the thing moving again but it was a bit jumpy. Not sure it will start up."

"If you wouldn't mind trying that would great." Jessica said nervously.

"Hey, I'm part of a band, do you wanna come in and say Hi to the guys while I try a get the thing goin'?" Bob asked as Drew came to the door.

"Hi there, I'm Drew. I heard your voice and thought I recognised it from some place, now I see you I know your face."

"Ignore him babe - he says that to all the girls!" Jimmy shouted from his seat in the trailer laughing.

"No, no - I do know you - you've been on TV - your Jessica Lane - your that British girl who rescues people. Hey come on in while Bob fixes our transport." Drew said appealingly.

Jessica looked around nervously to see if Wesley was watching. "I'm with someone," she said, "I'm not sure..."

Drew jumped in, "Hey, just have a coffee with us, I'm sure your boyfriend won't mind."

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