~Chapter 7: Hermione's POV~

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"Merlin's beard! Harry stop talking about Draco Malfoy." I say frustrated "you have been talking about Malfoy for the entire week."

"Well, I can't help it. Malfoy and Parkinson are clearly up to something." Harry retorts.

Parkinson...Pansy Parkinson.

She is such a bully and taunts anyone who got in her way; she even helped Rita Skeeter to publish that awful article about Vicktor, Harry, and I. I should be hating her right now, but I just...can't. There's a kind of sadness in her eyes that she tries so hard to hide and also her small body frame. The looks I sneak toward Pansy in the Great Hall shows me that she is not eating. Maybe Harry is right, Malfoy and Parkinson are up to something, but they can't be Death Eaters, you-know-who can't possibly recruit two underaged students. 

"Harry, Ron, Hermione." Mrs. Weasley yells. "You lot don't want to be late for the Hogwarts Express."

Pansy Parkinson is hiding some secrets, and I am determined to find out what those secrets are.  

Ask Me If I Am Fine | pansmione, drarry | completedWhere stories live. Discover now