Chapter 1 - Heaven

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A/N: Ok guys, this is my second book, and my first werewolf story. Please comment or inbox me any suggestions for a new title or different names (girl and boy names). I really want a new title that’s more original. Lol :)

Anyways, please read and enjoy it, and don't forget to comment/vote/fan. ;)


Chapter 1 - Heaven                                                           

Imogen’s POV:

   When I was a little girl, everything was peaceful. It wasn’t perfect, but I was happy. I had a big brother who loved me, many friends to play with and I was a part of the largest and strongest pack on the continent; the Red Dawn pack. The only thing missing was parental love. My mother had died giving birth to me. As wolves, this was highly unlikely, but my mother was human. Naturally, my father blamed me for his mate’s death, so we were never really close. He never talked to me, let alone acknowledged my presence. It was hard growing up, ignored by your own father, hated even, but I soon grew used to it. My older brother, Tyler, had always been there for me in his place.

   My mother, Karina, was very beautiful, or so I was told. I had looked through old photos, and I had to agree with them. My mother was a petite person, who was dwarfed by my father. She had dark brown hair, startling purple eyes, and even looking at her pictures, I got the sense of a loving and caring mother. When my father, Andrew, met her, it was love at first sight. They were married 6 months later, and then immediately had Tyler. I came a year after, and my mother died, just after giving me a name; Imogen Pearl Hastings.

   I was never very popular in the adults of the pack’s eyes, for many of them blamed me for their beta’s mate’s death. Yep, that makes Tyler the soon-to-be beta. The alpha of the pack was Logan Hunter. He and his wife, Brooke Hunter, had an only child, who was the alpha-to-be when he turned 16. His name was Jayden Chase Hunter. He was pretty arrogant, even as a child, seeing as his parents got him whatever he pleased, but since I was his best friends little sister, he was always careful to make sure he was nice to me, otherwise Tyler would’ve kicked his ass.

   All wolves turn at their 12th birthday. The first turning was always extremely painful, but there were always pack members telling you what will be happening, so that comforted most. Afterwards, shifting into our wolves became like second nature.

   I was the youngest of my age group, with my birthday being the 17th of December, so I was obviously expected to shift last. I’ll never forget the day of my 12th birthday. The day started out normally. It was a particularly rainy and dark day, something that should’ve given me a few hints, but I carried on happily, opening presents since 8am. When noon rolled around, I still hadn’t given any signs of beginning the transformation, which was a little worry, but the alpha reassured me that I probably was just a few hours late.

    Those few hours passed, and there were still no signs. This became a huge concern. The pack doctor was called in to check me to see what was holding my wolf back, but the doctor claimed that there were no signs of my wolf at all. Night came, and still no transformation. Tyler and the alpha reassured me that everything would be fine, and I believed them. My father had a smirk on his face, as though he were pleased to see me still human.

   The next week passed, and I still hadn’t shifted. I began to notice things; little at first, but they gradually worsened. My ‘friends’ seemed to have been avoiding me, and when I finally confronted them about it, they claimed that they, along with their families, did not want to have any associations with the pack’s runt. I seemed to only have 2 friends now; Tyler, and my childhood bestie, Chelsea Carson.

   Another week went by, and Chelsea seemed to distance herself from me as well. Every time I approached her, she would raise her eyebrows at me and run off. I was devastated. After a while, she seemed to be the one responsible for all the rumors about me going around. The adults all looked at me with scorn, and wherever I went, people would immediately step away from me, as if I had some sort of disease.

   I turned to me last resort of comfort; Tyler. I asked him why everyone hated me. He didn’t respond.

   Tyler seemed to be spending more and more time with Jayden and his friends, and less and less time with me, which concerned me. One night, he came home super late, even though he had promised to spend the night with me. I asked him where he was and he had retorted that it was none of my business. I had then proceeded to shout at him, telling him it wasn’t my fault I couldn’t shift.

  And then he had shouted back at me. The words from that night still rung clearly in my head to this day. “I DON’T CARE WHOS FAULT IT IS THAT YOU CAN’T SHIFT! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SHIT I GET FROM MY FRIENDS BECAUSE OF YOU? THEY’RE SURPRISED I CAN EVEN BE NEAR YOU, LET ALONE TALK TO YOU!” Tyler took a deep breath. “Which is why I’m so embarrassed to have you as a sister. You’re pathetic! How is it that you’re the only one in the pack that can’t shift?? God! Of all the siblings I could’ve had, I just had to get landed with you! No wonder Dad hates you! You’re just an embarrassment to me, to dad, to the whole pack!”

   And that’s when the close bond between me and my older brother snapped. I had run to my room and cried myself to sleep that night. Little did I know that things were just beginning to get worse.

   I had no idea that all that time when I had friends, a loving brother, people who cared about me, that was all like Heaven to me, and I didn’t even know it, until it was all gone.


A/N: Let me know what you think! Any constructive advice is welcome, and I hope you enjoyed! :)

Also, anyone who makes covers, please comment/inbox me. Thanks!

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