Chapter 14

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I hope you like this chapter!!

I opened my eyes to see the curling of Gajeel's living room. I rolled over and saw Gajeel in the kitchen in front of the stove. He looked over his shoulder once he heard me getting up.

"So you have finally woken, Ms. Queen of all Bookworm Shrimps!" He said dramatically. I came up beside Gajeel and looked at what he was cooking. The delicious sight of pancakes pleased me.

"Stop calling me that!" I yelled slightly pushing him.

"Oh? So it's finally starting to bother you, eh? I think I should call you that from now on!" He said as he put the pancakes on two plates.

"EHHH!?!?!?!? NO DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" I yelled, jumping up and hitting him on the back of his head.

"Owwww....." Gajeel complained as he rubbed the back of his head. "And be a bit quieter. My little sister just got here this morning while you were sleeping like there was no tomorrow. She's asleep in her room, right above us." He explained to me as he brought our plates to the kitchen where a bottle of syrup was waiting for us.

Kylie came around the corner and into the kitchen. She had her hands in fists and was rubing her eyes as she yawned. "What's going on, Gajy?" I giggled when Gajeel became frustrated when she called him Gajy but he tried to contain it just as I did with my laugh.

"Eehhhhh..... Nothing?" He said, hoping his little sister would believe it. Before she could respond, Gajeel got up. "You want some pancakes, sleepy head?" He asked ruffling her hair as he passed her.

At that moment she lit up. Her face literally had happiness beaming off of her. She started jumping up and down, completely forgetting about the loud yelling from earlier. "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAAAAH~" She cheered.

Gajeel chuckled as he got her plate and set it next to his and across from me. I giggled as I watched Kylie pour syrup all over her pancakes with a huge grin on her face that could put Natsu's to shame.

We ate our pancakes with some small talk and some laughing. "What do ya want to do today since school will be starting back up in 2 days? Whatever we choose, Kylie has to stick with us because my parents won't get home until tonight." Gajeel asked as he took all of our plates and forks and put them in the sink.

"Park?" I asked as I got a water out of the fridge.

Kylie immediately squealed in agreement while Gajeel didn't look too excited. "It's cold outside though!" Gajeel complained.

"Wear a jacket!" I told him in a 'duh' tone.

"But I don't wanna~!!" Gajeel continued to complain as he got himself and Kylie both water bottles.

"Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it!" I told him, throwing his jacket at his extremely pierced face. (BTW I got that from my friend @happyiscute so yeah she has some pretty awesome fanfics *thumbs up* Go follow her and read her stuffz)

"Uuuugh fine!" Gajeel gave in as he put his jacket on over his black T-shirt. Kylie just couldn't stop cheering, and somehow she already dressed in shoes, jeans, and a long sleeve, green shirt under her jacket.

She was waiting at the door and was getting pretty annoyed. "C'mon!! HURRY UP!!" She yelled rather violently.

"Calm down, pipsqueak," Gajeel only chuckled and ruffled her hair at her out burst. She kept her annoyed face in as she fixed her hair. We all walked out to my car and hopped in with Kylie in the back. I turned on the radio to have This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco to fill the car. With in minutes we were pulling into the parking lot of the park. Surprisingly, the park was almost vacant. There was a married couple with their child walking to their car, about to leave, and a small few people going on a walk. Kylie immediately running to the slides and monkey bars. Me and Gajeel laughed at her enthusiasm as we walked to the swings so we could watch her.

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