--Chapter 2--

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TommyInnit was talking to Tubbo, his red and white shirt ruffling against the wind. Tubbo's bees circled around the two boys, buzzing happily when Tubbo handed them a flower. Tommy was the owner of Business Bay. The bay wasn't the most organized place in the world but everyone who lived there was happy. Tommy plucked another flower and placed it in Tubbo's pile, chattering on about how all women loved him (don't ask it's a Tommy thing). Tubbo was listening attentively, handing another flower to his bees. The tranquility of the clearing was interrupted by the sound of a plane. The two boys looked up, noticing a dark figure. Tommy smiled, recognizing the plane. He jumped up, racing over to where the plane was going to land. A few moments later, the driver climbed out of the aircraft, jumping swiftly onto the green grass. "Techno! Why are you here, Big man?" Tubbo had just approached them, giving his bees another flower to distract them. "There was a letter in the mail, said that Techno was going to visit. Didn't say why though.", Tubbo informed Tommy, turning back to his bees. Techno nodded, handing Tommy a paper. "The messenger gave it to me. Turns out we're invited to mcc this year." Tommy stared at the paper, then Techno, then the paper again. After a few moments, he yelled out, "POG! Finally, they let me in." Techno nodded, tuning out Tommy's voice. "It starts in a week." was all he said. Tubbo gasped, dropping one of his flowers. The bees buzzed angrily but Tubbo didn't notice. "A week? Techno, Tommy still needs to train!" Tommy nodded, turning to face Techno. The king blinked, but rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Come in, bring the bee child too." Tubbo excitedly dragged Tommy into the plane, stepping out one last time to tell his bees that he needed to be somewhere. They nodded, flying off. With a content smile on his face, Tubbo nodded eagerly to Techno. Already regretting his decision, he climbed into the plane, scolding Tommy not to touch anything. After a final check to make sure they had everything, Techno flicked the lever and the plane set off towards Hypixel.

Hello, mortals! Imagine someone I know in real life reads this. Oof. 

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