--Chapter 7--

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In the throne room, Fern and Blue floated through the air, laughing and chatting about random topics. Soon, Fern noticed Techno and her eyes narrowed. "So. You've finished the course." Techno nodded, not saying anything. Blue's eyes flicked between the two, most likely noticing the tension in the air. "Uhm, wasn't Dream behind you?" Blue stuttered nervously, hoping to relieve some tension. Fern glared at Blue, but Techno only calmly nodded again. Dream's voice then filled the silence. "Oh my god that was stressful," he gasped out, collapsing onto the ground. Techno nudged him with his boot, causing Dream to groan. "Aren't you the parkour god? Why you so tired, nerd?" Techno asked, leaning over him. Dream reached up and swatted him playfully, a faint smile on Blue's face from the interaction. The 2 duos kept to themselves, waiting for the timer to run out. Suddenly, Purpled burst into the room. "YES! I FINISHED!" he yelled out. Techno's face remained emotionless. "Too late, nerd. I call first." he replied. Purpled pouted but quickly recovered, his expression turning sour when he saw Fern glaring at him. "I'm just gonna... go over here.." he said, stepping behind Techno. In the remaining minutes before the timer ran out, Sapnap and Phil completed the parkour, Phil waving at Techno. A couple minutes after the 2 had arrived, the timer went off, alerting the players that there wasn't any more time to finish the parkour. Sapnap, Phil, Techno, Dream and Purpled were teleported to a podium, along with Fern and Blue. Someone's voice rang out across the course. "These are our winners. Congratulations." He checked the scores, his eyes narrowing. "Aqua Axolotls is in the lead. Red Rabbits second and Violets in third." Beam scowled. "Onto the next game, I suppose." He clapped his hands and the players were teleported, once again, to the Decision Dome. Techno noticed the shortage of players. From first glance, Karl, Ranboo, Niki, Ant, and Grian were gone. Sighing, Techno turned to face his own team, sighing in relief when he saw they were all there. The players each received an egg of their own, free to vote whichever game. Techno studied his choices. Skyblockle, survival games, bingo but fast, get to the other side, ace race, build market, and sands of time. "Permadeath's on, so we can cross out the pvp games. Falling into the void is common in build market, so cross that off. That leaves.... Ace race and sands of time." Techno thought aloud, turning to face his teammates. Wilbur raised his hand. "I think we all know we're gonna vote sands of time." he said. Tommy and Phil nodded. Techno shrugged, throwing his egg at sands of time. Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil followed suit, their eggs cracking and hatching chickens. Soon, the votes were counted. Sands of time has been selected! Techno took a deep breath, ready to face the sands.

Ello, mortals! How your days going?

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