--Chapter 5--

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Tommy and Tubbo finished training, their skill raised promisingly high. Turning to the concrete building, the timer started. All the participants crowded towards the bridge, anxiously waiting for the doors to open. With a loud blare from the timer, the door's opened. Everyone piled towards their own elevators, floating to the decision dome. The options lit up above the ground, and players each got an egg. The teams whispered amongst themselves, deciding which game they should pick. After a few moments, the votes were counted. Hole In The Wall was the chosen game. The players were teleported to the arena and the rules appeared in chat. Everyone was given invisibility, then the first round started. The slime walls closed in from several sides, the teams shouting warnings to each other. The first death message appeared in chat. F1nn5ter died in the void. Throughout the game, several more death messages appeared. Zelk died in the void. Nihachu died in the void. Sapnap died in the void. Quackity died in the void, and so on. Soon, only Techno, Dream, and Tapl remained. The slime walls approached even faster, and the ground slowly disappeared. Tapl died in the void. The spectators watched from above, their cheers divided equally between Techno and Dream. Dream mistepped, and he fell in the void. Dream died in the void. Technoblade has won the first round. The spectators cheered and Techno smiled as their roars echoed around the arena. They were then teleported to the decision dome. The teams once again argued between themselves. Several eggs were thrown early, the chickens floating to the ground. Several moments later, the rest of the eggs were thrown. The admins counted the votes and typed it in chat. Parkour Warrior has been selected. The teams were teleported to the course, and the rules appeared in chat. A bell rang, opening the gates, and the players rushed across the course. The admins floated above the players, exchanging bets on who would win. Dream was in the lead, Techno a close second. Several players were held back, complaining that the parkour was too hard. Techno looked behind him, spotting Purpled and Phil, with Sapnap falling into the void again. Techno turned ahead, jumping and getting ready to land on the block. Only he didn't, someone rushed ahead of him, smirking as Techno fell in the void. He respawned, growling as he tried to remember the player's name. Her name tag was purple, but none of the teams was purple... then he realized. Someone hacked into mcc.

Hey, look! Longer chapters! I don't know. What do you think about muffins?

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