-- (ending) Chapter 12--

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Techno and Wilbur watched as Phil frantically chased Tommy, struggling to put out the fire. Tubbo followed Tommy, handing him flint and steel when needed. Techno and Wilbur sat laughing, their giggles filling the forest. "ARSON POG!!", Tommy shouted, setting another tree on fire. "NO! ARSON NOT POG! GET BACK HERE YOU CHILD!", Phil yelled back, yelping as his hat flew off his head. Tommy skidded to a halt and turned around, making eye contact with Phil. Smirking, he scraped the flint and steel together, lighting another fire. "TOMMY! NO GET BACK HERE! TOMMY GET BACK HERE OR YOU'LL BE GROUNDED". Tommy only laughed, as Tubbo threw him some more flint. Phil eyed the 2 boys, grinning as a plan came to mind. "Tommy. Get over here and stop setting trees on fire or I'll separate you and Tubbo." Tommy instantly stopped running, glaring at Phil. "You wouldn't dare." Tubbo siddled behind Tommy, staring suspiciously at Phil. "Continue committing arson and we'll see". In defeat, Tommy slouched over to Phil, handing him the fire making tool. Tubbo rushed over, comforting a sulking Tommy. Wilbur broke into another laughing fit as Techno said in a monotone voice, "That was more entertaining than watching Squid's reaction to me winning the potato war". The group started laughing again, Tubbo's giggling annoying Tommy. They really were a family.

So, the ending to the last chapter is messy, but basically Techno's team won, all the players respawned, and the Viruses were banned from mcc. Also they're at Business Bay this chapter, that's why Tommy isn't kicked out. And yes, this was messy. I already said, this was a short story for school. I have another story I haven't posted yet and that's gonna be longer, but I want to write all the chapters first so it's gonna take a long time. I don't have a big author's note because this was just, like, an experimental story. Hopefully you liked it, I don't know you do you. Sooo uh let's see how long it is until I post (publish? make?) another book. GOODBYE MORTALS!!

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