--Chapter 11--

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Survival games didn't last too long after that, the Violet Viruses visibly angry that Flame was gone. Beam pulled up the statistics again. "Aqua Axolotls in first, Violet Viruses in second, and Cyan Creepers in third." Beam sighed, teleporting the players to the decision dome. Phil gasped once he saw the massive decrease in numbers. About half the players were gone now, permadeath being a huge problem. Beam spoke across the dome. "We're not doing another game. Instead, onto Dodgebolt. It will be the Aqua axolotls against the Violet Viruses. Everyone who died from permadeath will be able to spectate." Beam typed several things in chat, then the players were teleported to the dodgebolt stadium. The spectators sat in the stands, with the contestants placed on the platform. Beam gave the competitors one bow each, then floated to the ground. "3!" Techno got in position. "2!" Flame narrowed his eyes. "1!" Phil pulled back his bow. "Begin!" And arrows flew. Blue immediately got shot, his figure disappearing in a puff of smoke. Fern aimed her bow at Wilbur, and released. Wilbur's eyes widened and he, too, disappeared. Phil grabbed an arrow embedded in the wall behind him, loading his bow and firing at Flame. He dodged, loading his own bow and firing at Phil. Techno growled as Phil appeared in the stands, his expression disappointed. Tommy was doing well, trying to aim at Fern. Eventually, he got it, cheering as Fern was removed from the platform. A few seconds later, however, Tommy was hit and he pouted as he sat down next to Tubbo. Techno sighed as he realized it was up to him. He readied his bow, aiming at Beam, but changed direction at the last second and fired at Flame. Beam grit his teeth, eyeing Techno. Suddenly, several arrows flew towards Techno from different directions. Surprised, Techno fell to the ground and plucked one from the air, aiming at Beam. As he released, Beam moved out of the way, turning to smirk at Techno before getting shot. Techno smiled and turned to face the crowd, their cheers drowning out the noise of the world. Smiling, Techno turned to face a fuming Beam. "congratulations." Beam said. He smiled, but Techno could tell it was forced. Beam typed in a command in the chat, and the teams were teleported to the main lobby. The players who died from permadeath had disappeared again, but the Viruses were standing smugly behind Beam. Techno rolled his eyes, before realizing that his team had also died. Beam waved for the crowd to follow him, and they did. While they traveled through the halls, Beam calculated the team's points, handing them off to Fern. opening a pair of double doors, Beam led the crowd into a room filled with chairs. Beam then took out a box, with a slot cut out at the top. "This box has the name of the winner written on paper. If any of you win, we will disappear like nothing ever happened. If we win, then all your permadeathed friends are gone forever." and with that, he reached into the box.

Hi. I know the ending is unclear, I'll explain it in the next chapter. Patience, mortal.

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