--Chapter 6--

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Looking up, he searched the sky for the admins. They were still flying, chatting about random things. Suddenly, a sentence appeared in chat. epic_landlord was kicked out of the game. Immediately, the other admins reacted. Pause the game! Appeared in chat. The players slowed down, wondering what was happening. The admins unmuted, their stressed voices mixing into the teamspeak. "Landlord was kicked out of the game, and we're afraid that someone hacked into the code. So, unfortunately, we're going to end mcc, to avoid any further accidents that could happen. We're going to telepor-" his voice was cut off by another sentence appearing in chat. CheesierPasta was kicked from the game. Slowly, the rest of the admins were also kicked. A purple sentence then appeared in chat, the letters glitching in and out of existence. We're the Violet Viruses, and we have an announcement. From now on, permadeath is on and mcc doesn't belong to the admins anymore. You players are going to finish mcc, without dying. If any of you win, mcc goes back to normal. If we win, nobody comes back from permadeath, and mcc is ours. The team then appeared beside the other players, laughing at their shocked expressions. Someone new joined the teamspeak, his voice sounding like several people were talking at the same time. "Mcc starts now, you better finish the course." He then left, joining his team on the ground. All the players were also teleported to the start, much more nervous than before. Techno and Dream rushed ahead, slowing down to make hard jumps. The hackers stayed at the start, whispering plans. Suddenly, 2 of them flew into the sky, laughing as the players looked up in anger and surprise. Techno seethed, wondering how they would win. He made it to another checkpoint, Eret jumping past him and coins exploding in the air. Techno's eyes widened, realizing a way he could win. The hackers weren't getting coins, they were only winning. Using his newfound confidence, he leaped through the parkour, smirking in satisfaction as his coin amount skyrocketed. Soon, he caught up to Dream. "See ya, nerd!" Techno shouted as he ran past him. Dream's eyes glinted with competition, and soon they were racing to the end. Techno leaped on an ice block, hooking his fingers around a rope dangling from the ceiling and swinging to the next block, stumbling as he landed on the netherack. Taking a glance behind him, he spotted Dream struggling to stay atop the ice. Techno cackled, his red eyes flashing in the sun. Approaching the trapdoor jumps, he earned another batch of coins. Unfortunately, the 2 members of the Violet Viruses flew past him, landing on the throne and cheering as a message appeared in chat. Blue has finished the course. Fern has finished the course. Techno grimaced, slowly climbing the trapdoors. He watched as Dream cautiously approached the iron doors, his fear of iron not helping the situation. Sighing, Techno averted his gaze, focusing on the parkour in front of him. Jumping from block to block, he finally finished the course.

If anyone asks, I'm to lazy to put fanart so leave me be.

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