--Chapter 9--

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When the teams were teleported back to the main lobby, Techno noticed several more had died. He grimaced, focusing his attention on Beam. he had his chat open, reading the statistics. "Violet Viruses in first. Aqua Axolotls in second. In third is Cyan Creepers. Off to the decision dome with you." the players were once again teleported to the decision dome, Tubbo waving to Tommy from behind the glass. Tommy waved back, smiling happily. Beam floated through the decision dome, his grin full of mischief. "I've decided that you're all playing it too safe. So I'm going to pick the next round." he floated over to survival games, and pressed the button placed above the sign. The players' eyes widened, knowing that survival games only had one winner. "Off you go," Beam smiled, right before everyone was teleported to the Survival Games arena. The decrease of players was painfully obvious. The countdown started, and teams rushed off to get supplies. Techno waved his team over, pointing to 3 chests in a tree. The 4 looted the chests. Techno now had an iron sword, chain boots and a leather chestplate, Wilbur had a stone axe and iron leggings. Phil had a shield and 2 health potions and Tommy had 5 apples, a wooden sword and an iron helmet. Techno opened his mouth to say something, before hearing a snap of a twig behind him. Whirling around, he came face to face with the fourth member of the Violet Viruses. His nametag read Flame. Techno pulled out his iron sword, getting in a battle position. Flame smiled at the challenge, pulling out his own iron sword. The 2 circled each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Flame eventually got impatient and charged, Techno dodging and landing a hit on Flame with the blunt end of the sword. Flame visibly winced, turning around and trying to hit Techno. The king swept him off his feet, (let's just say sword go stabby stabby). Techno collected the items, facing his teammates. "We need to go, we don't know what gear the other teams have." Phil nodded, agreeing with Techno. The 4 ran off in a random direction, looting chests and occasionally having to stop and restore their hunger. Suddenly, Wilbur spoke up. "Is it only me, or have we been seeing way too little teams?" The team paused, Techno studying their surroundings. He took out a compass, checking to see which way it was pointing. "I'm gonna go back spawn, see if any nerds are there. You 3, survive and don't get into any fights unless absolutely necessary." Tommy pouted, but Phil nudged him and Tommy eventually agreed. Satisfied, Techno headed towards spawn, not hearing the whizz of an arrow before it hit him in the leg.

I feel like I make some parts too dramatic, but it's just a random thing that happens. I don't know.

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