--Chapter 8--

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The players were teleported to the arena, each team with their own mazes. Techno pointed at Wilbur and Phil. "you 2, go get sand and coins. Tommy, you're in charge of sand." Tommy grumbled, but agreed. Wilbur ran off in one direction, with Phil following close behind. Techno studied the map, taking note of the tunnels and levers. He entered one tunnel, studying the wall and floors for traps or coins. On a ledge, almost hidden, was a stack of coins. Techno smiled, jumping up and grabbing the coins. +26 coins. Appeared in his private chat. He continued exploring the tunnels until he found a spawner, with 3 blocks of sand piled in the corner. Taking out his sword, Techno cautiously approached the spawner, looking out for mobs. When nothing jumped at him, he placed torches on the spawner, blocking any mobs from spawning. He then took out his shovel, scooping up the sand. Running out of the room, he traveled through the maze of tunnels, occasionally finding sand and coins. With 20 blocks of sand and 256 more coins, Techno decided to head back to spawn. On the way, he saw Wilbur struggling to fend off zombies. Rushing over to help, Techno stabbed one before it could hit Wilbur, kicking another one to the ground. "C'mon" Techno said, holding his hand out for Wilbur. The brit gratefully took it, pulling himself off the floor. The two walked together back to spawn, joking around and playfully shoving each other. Once they reached the center room, they saw Tommy slumped against the hourglass, messaging someone. Wilbur walked over to the teen, peering over his shoulder. "Tommy, what're you doing?" he asked. Tommy jumped, closing his chat. "Nothing, now why're you here?" he retaliated. Techno walked over with his sand, dumping it on Tommy. "That should be enough. Wilbur?" Wilbur took out his sand, handing it to Tommy. Sighing, Tommy started placing it in the hourglass. Wilbur turned to get more sand, waving for Techno to follow. Techno shook his head, gesturing for him to go on without Techno. Wilbur shrugged, walking off and leaving Techno. The king turned to Tommy, watching as he filled the glass with sand. "What were you doing before Wilbur and I walked in?" Techno asked, his arms crossed. Tommy sighed, turning to face Techno. "I was messaging Tubbo." Techno raised his eyebrow. "You do realize communicating with other teams is breaking the rules? But I'm all for anarchy so go ahead." Techno then walked out of the room, leaving Tommy with a smile on his face. The rest of sands of time went by quickly. Phil had come back and helped Tommy place the sand, their team lasting the longest and winning the round. "We just need to get coins," Techno thought.

Welcome, welcome. Wow this was rushed.

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