Chapter 10: Trains

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My dream was filled with darkness. Pure darkness. I heard a faint calling. Someone I knew maybe? The calling got louder gradually.

My eyes burst open. Hannah was leaning over me, gently whispering my name.

"Evelyn? Are you awake?" Hannah breathed.

"Yeah." I responded, rubbing my eyes.

We were still on the couch, I noticed. Had we fallen asleep here? Or had I just fallen asleep here?

"It's daylight." Hannah whispered.

I nodded. Daylight? Already? But then again, trains run in the daylight.

"Stay here with Atlas and Henry." Hannah ordered softly, rising to her feet.

"Why? Where are you going?" I breathed.

"I need to get water from a nearby creek, so we bathe. Unless, you want to go on a train smelling like rotten bread?" Hannah said matter factly.

Hannah spun around and left. Bathe? I was embarrassed, as I forgot all about bathing. I looked at my reflection in the old tv screen. My hair was matted and dirty. Mud was caked around my face. Eye bags hung below my eyes. I didn't look all that nice. Small footsteps sounded towards me. I glanced over my shoulder. Atlas was now standing beside the couch. She looked daunting, but a cheery smile was plastered on her face.

"Where's Hannah?" Atlas asked brightly.

"She went out to get water to bathe." I smiled cheerfully.

"Bathe? Why would we bathe?" Atlas plopped down on the couch next to me.

I froze. Should I tell her? That we're leaving?

"When you lived with your family, did you bathe everyday?" Atlas began to question before I could respond.

"Yes, I did." I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Why? Why would someone need to bathe everyday?" Atlas wondered out loud.

"Because without bathing people can start to smell." I said blandly.

"Start to smell? Like a gross smell? That's ridiculous! If it's just you and your family, why should they care?" Atlas spat.

"No need to get mad!" I said quickly.

Atlas only stared at me. Her eyes filled with sorrow.

"What's wrong?" I prompted gently.

"I miss Granny. She wouldn't let us fight. She said siblings love each other and take care of each other." Atlas whispered.

I hugged her close to comfort her, feeling even some of my own comfort at the fact she called me her sibling.

"Hannah always bosses us around, but I know she's trying to protect us. Maybe when I'm big enough, I'll be able to watch Henry. Since Granny's gone, someone ought to do it. Or maybe now. I could stay with him, while Hannah goes to clean Kilen's house." Atlas sounded sad.

"Hannah cleans Mr. Kilen's house?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah. She helps the other people clean it. Most days anyway. He gives her money. Some days I used to go and help. Granny said it's better that way. So I'm not trapped in here. I helped and helped. Sometimes I cleaned a whole room by myself! But Hannah never got no more money! Kilen said he already pays her too much and I'm just there to help. He assigned me as much to clean as everyone else though. When I couldn't get it done, he got mad. But Hannah always cleaned up my area without him knowing." Atlas looked at me sadly.

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