Vol 2 chapter 8

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 Vol 2 chapter 8

Katy POV

My grandpa look at the girl trying to finish the final blow

He was getting stressed out by something that looked similar to him.

Grandpa wasn't able to finish the final blow because she is already on the ground.

She continued to talk which was annoying to me and I think so too.

How annoying I say to myself

She is about to die anyway. What's the point of watching her die?

Looking at my grandpa reaction it was blank just like mines.


Her words she started to yell out "Father to him"

Don't tell me this is his daughter that he cared about for a very long time.

He looked shocked that he ended up realizing who she was.

His tears came down on his face.

Seems like he screwed up big time what a worthless father he is...

She grabbed his leg.

Rose:"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y you are my dad Joey..."

She smiled almost like she was glad that she was happy to see her dad again.

Crazy who would be smiling at getting killed by their father.

At the very end she started to cry very hard her last words was "sayonara"

Grandpa grabbed the gun


I was getting scared that he would join her too.

Grandpa: "I'm doing what I should have done from the beginning!"

Grandpa: "She suffered a lot of these in the past. There are some times when I could be there to help her but ran off like some coward!"

He holds the gun to his head

I ran to him trying to stop him from killing himself but it was too late...

He shot himself.

Now why this isn't part of the plan at all my grandpa is-

I Wasn't able to take the pain.

Ran off without going back to my grandpa or to the girl.

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