The Boy

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It's your first day of school. As you get out of your Mom's new car, your hands are slightly shaking and slick with sweat. You grab your new backpack and sling it over your shoulder. It's heavy with all the school supplies that your mom insisted you get, everything on the list that your school suggested and backup stuff too. 

"Hey- wait a second! Good luck today, ok shmush? We're all rooting for you!" Your mom yells before you close the car door. Ugh, how many times have you been over this with her- that is NOT an appropriate nickname for a 15-year-old. Though secretly you kinda love it, it is not the first thing you want the kids to hear at your new school.

Your feet crunch along the wet gravel path as you make your way towards what you hope is the office. It's 9:15 in the morning and you only see a few stragglers outside, holding backpacks over their heads as they run from the rain. Oops, you must be late! You think about running to the office so you can at least make it to your second period (or third? What time did school start?) but then decide it's not worth it. If you are going to be late, so be it. Gotta look cool, gotta look cool. That means no running.

You reach the door to a small, yellow shack with a small sign inscribed with OFFICE hung above the door. Resting your hand on the doorknob you take a deep breath in and push the door open. A blast of hot air hits your face as you step into the crowded room. A plump white woman sits squeezed in-between a large desk, overfilled with stacks of folders and paper, and a metal cabinet which is also overflowing with loose papers. She looks up for a second with a stressed look on her face, smiles at you, and pushes her chair back.

"Oh oh hello hi! I'm sorry, do I know you? Ugh I am so bad with names- waitwait I know oh does it start with a 'B?' Gosh ack I really don't know... oooh give me a hint!!!!" The words spill out of her mouth at a surprising speed and her cheeks grow rosy as she gets excited. You force a stiff smile onto your face and step forward.

"Oh-um, well I'm actually new, uh, this is my first day here...?"

"aaaAAhhh!! Of course!" Her eyes grow wide and she frantically reaches for something on the desk. "Oh-kaaay! I found iiiit!!!" She waves a folder in the air before flipping it open on the desk. "And you aaaare...ah Y/N! Oh my goodness my grandchild has the same name! Aw I like you already. Ok you are in section...3! Oh how nice! The nicest boy is in that class, he always helps me organize in here, maybe you could be friends! How lovely. Here's your schedule... oh your first class is art! Dear! I almost forgot! My name is Ms. Jackie! You come in here anytime you need me, ok honey?"

She practically pushes you out of the door in her excitement. You run towards the bigger building and push open the doors. After realizing you've been tracking water onto the floor, you wipe your sneakers on the mat outside the first classroom you find. To your surprise, the door swings open and a short African American man smiles at you.

"Well hello. I'm Mr Smith! Are you in my class?"

"Um sorry what class is this?" You grip your backpack straps so tight that your knuckles begin to turn white.

"No problem! This is geometry 1. Do you need help finding the right class?"

"ah oh uhm I'm actually supposed to be in art I think? Sorry, do you know where that is?"

"Oh of course! Hey, you know what, I think one of my students might be able to show you there! Would that be ok?" Before you can answer, he has leaned his head into the room and called out somebodies name. A minute later, a Japanese girl with purple hair and earbudss dangling from her ears exits the classroom, looking at her shoes.

"Hi. I'm Jiro. Uh, nice to meet you." She speaks in a low voice, almost whispering. You notice that she seems nervous and keeps tapping the points of her earplugs together.

"Hi! I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you too! Uhm sorry that you had to leave class, but do you mind showing me where the art room is?" A blast of confidence and energy radiates from you. It's weird, normally when you meet new people you can be pretty shy, but you instantly want to put this girl at ease.

"Oh! Yeah, uh follow me!" She smiles at you for a second before quickly taking your hand and running down the hallway. A laugh escapes your lips as you run with her. Before you know it, you are outside a colorfully decorated room labeled ART. As if realizing what she's done, Jiro lets go of your hand and takes a step back, then looks at the floor.

"...sorry" she mutters but before she can turn away you grab her shoulder.

"Hey. Can we be friends?" You ask, smiling shyly. Jiro smiles back and nods. Then she walks back to her math class. 

You try to open the heavy door to the art room as quietly as you can and slip through the threshold. Theres jazz music playing in the background as a skinny black woman rushes towards you. 

"We're doing free drawing right now- take any open seat! You must be Y/N! Welcome to the class!" She shoves a thick pad of paper into your arms and rushes off. You do a quick scan of the room and see an almost empty table in the back. Perfect! You can watch everyone else without anyone noticing you. You slide onto the empty stool next to a boy with purple, spiky hair. He doesn't even look up, so you decide not to introduce yourself or say anything. You flip open your new sketchbook to the first page and ahhh... the blank white sheet calls to you. You lean down to your backpack to pick out a pencil. As you sit up, you notice the boy next to you looking at you. When he sees that you've seen this he quickly glances down at his page and his cheeks flush red. You look over to see what he's drawing and its a beautiful red octopus with it's arms stretched in all directions and an insane amount of detail in each tentacle.

Before thinking, you blurt out, "Wow! That's really good! Can I watch you draw?" He startles and looks up at you, though not directly looking at your eyes. His head turns as he glances up at you and you get a look into his beautiful black irises.


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