Chapter 4: Power Outage

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The next couple of days were all a blur except for the fact we were all watching Zedd and Alessia to confirm our beliefs about them. Oh, and also waiting to see if we actually had any far nothing. Regardless, by the time the weekend rolled around, I was dead tired. The nightmares were still appearing and with school and my neighbors, everything was just taking its toll on me. I planned to spend my Saturday curled up in bed, watching Netflix, and eating takeout...but there was always something that messed up my plans; and this something was - no electricity.

All the power went out, which was just my luck, and my mom was in meetings all day so it wasn't like I could get her advice. Also it was Saturday, a day when no one works, unless they really need to, and electricians are those people. I groan at the thought of no electricity for the weekend, but begin preparations...thank god mom loves candles so much. I bring all the candles out, setting them up, it's still light outside so I don't bother lighting them just yet.

With no electricity, that means no Netflix, so I decide it might be a good idea to head into town. I grab my phone and my purse, and begin my walk. I make it to town very quickly and am greeted by the busy life of Bromwich. People are walking around, looking at the shops, eating in the cozy little cafes, and just admiring the town fountain. The fountain was always my favorite thing. It was in the shape of a hexagon and had two more layers. The first layer was the base of the fountain which is where the water filled up. It was also where you made wishes, legend has it if you throw your coin in the fountain and make a wish, it will come true. Kids enjoy it but it's just a legend; none of my wishes ever came true. The second layer is a square which is a base for the top layer that is a circle and has the water sprouting out of it. The water goes really high, almost the size of one of the old apartment buildings we have. At night it also changes colors which is a really cool thing to see.

I stand back and admire it. The town has it broken off to the middle where there are a couple of weeping cherry trees. Those trees are basically weeping willows, but smaller, and have pink cherry blossom flowers sprouting from it. No one knows really how it's growing here but it sure does add some more beauty to the fountain. There are also benches set around so you can sit down, look at the fountain, and just read and write if needed. It's very peaceful.

I feel someone bump into me as I'm caught up in my admiration. I turn around to see Zedd. His cold, piercing eyes meet mine and I feel a shudder run down my spine. He glances down at me and smiles before speaking, "My apologies. I was admiring the fountain and didn't see you."

My first instinct is to try and duck around him to avoid him, "Well as long as you watch where you're going next time."

But he smoothly blocks my attempt by taking my hand, "Of course, clearly I should've been distracted by your beauty instead." His grin turns a bit crooked like smirk as he leans down to kiss my hand. I'm about to pull away but he holds it tighter, "Let me make it up to you with a coffee."

I shake my head, "I'm okay, thanks."

"I won't take no for an answer," he smiles, "I insist, let me be a gentleman."

He says that, but his grip on my hand isn't loosening up. I guess if we're in public, he won't try anything. "Fine, just one coffee."

"Excellent. Lead the way to the best coffee shop."

It's a small town, we have lots of little cafes and shops but my favorite is Salem's. It's been around forever and it's actually named for the town the people actually came from. It's a quaint coffee shop with wood everywhere and some old wooden tables. There's some edison lights hanging from the ceiling, and some signs on the walls about the history of the place and town. We approach the counter where one girl I go to school with takes our order. Her jaw drops when she realizes who it is.

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