Chapter 20: Aftermath

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On closer inspection it turned out to be Cain. He was sound asleep with his arms folded and his jacket on his lap like a blanket. His serene sleeping face made me feel at ease as I walked up to my door. Zedd followed up behind me and joined me in staring at Cain. I knelt down, brushed his hair back and leaned close to his ear.


Cain awoke with a jump, hitting the back of his head and pulling back his fist ready to fight. When he saw it was only me he lowered it and sighed, "That was incredibly rude."

I giggled teasingly, "You were just so cute sleeping here, I couldn't help it."

I expected Cain to snap back at me like we usually do with each other, but he just stayed silent while observing my expression. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into him, wrapping me in a tight embrace that didn't seem like he was going to let go.

"Don't ever pull a joke like that again," he said in his usual gruff way of speaking, but I could tell he wasn't talking about my surprising him.

I hugged him back and felt his comforting warmth, "I'm sorry. I promise I won't make any of you worry like that ever again."

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps and I turned around and saw the rest of my friends walking up. Alice was running ahead of them and almost knocked me over with a hug as soon as I stood back up.

"You're okay! I'm so glad," she said, "We were all so worried about you."

"Looks like your plan to camp outside her house so you could be the first to see her

worked," Chris smirked at Cain.
"Shut up," Cain glared at him. Looks like he was back to normal.

Elijah put a hand on my shoulder, ignoring the bickering between Cain and Chris. "How are you feeling?"

I smiled at him, "I'm much better now than when I was on the verge of death. I still need a little of your healing, Alice, but for the most part I'm fine." I glanced back at Zedd, who was leaning against his car, standing far from the rest of the group, "Thanks again Zedd."

He nodded and opened the door to his car, "I'll leave you with your friends for now. I need to meet up with Alessia and see how things are going with that hostage. If anything comes up I'll let you know."

No one else said anything as we watched Zedd drive away. Even though they still don't particularly trust Zedd or Alessia, I'm sure they felt some gratefulness towards Zedd. Whatever, I was just glad to see them all again.

We all went into my house and gathered around the island in the kitchen. Alice and I sat on two stools at the counter so she could heal the rest of my wounds. Elijah found the coffee and started making some for everyone, and Cain helped himself to whatever breakfast he found. While those two were busy I talked with Alice and Chris, filling them in on what Zedd told me what happened with my powers that night and who those men were.

"That night at the dance was a nightmare," Alice said.

Chris added, "Who were those guys that attacked you? To even bring, what was it? A Weldenberry blade? They were really planning to kill."

"Not only me either. They were coming for all of us." I took another long glance at all of them, "Which is why I'm even more relieved seeing you guys."

Alice pulled up my sleeve and saw my arm covered in bruises and scrapes, "Are you sure you're not in any pain?"
I shook my head, "I didn't even notice all of these until now."

"What about your stomach? That's where you were stabbed right?"

"The medicine Zedd gave me healed that up completely and killed all the pain."

She sighed, "As much as being near him still unsettles me, I am thankful that he saved you." Alice gave me another hug.

Elijah came up and gave each of us a cup of coffee, "Same here. And he and Alessia really helped us out. Maybe they're not that bad afterall."

It was good to see them changing their opinions even for a little bit. But I noticed Cain leaning against the counter eating an apple, looking as unhappy as ever whenever the topic of Zedd and Alessia came up.

"Don't mind him," Chris said, "He hardly slept since you were gone."

Cain, in his upset state, used his telepathy on all of us when he didn't mean to and I heard him say Shut up, Chris. But Chris ignored him and kept talking.

"We told him we all needed to rest after what happened, but before we knew it he was waiting at your house. We all felt really helpless when you were injured, but seems like he took it the hardest."

Cain was glaring daggers at Chris now. I smiled, trying to ease the tension, "I'm sorry I made you guys worry so much."

"No," Cain suddenly slammed his fist on the table. We thought he was finally going to snap at Chris, but he said something different, "It's those bastard witch hunters that should be sorry. They're the ones that did that to you. If I ever see them again," he cracked his knuckles, "I'll pay them back tenfold."

Well, at least now he was directing his anger towards someone more appropriate. And then I remember, "Oh, I think Zedd said Alessia caught one of them. They're holding onto him until we can get some answers."

A sly smile grew on his face, "Now that's something I'll be looking forward to."

Having Cain during the interrogation probably won't be a good idea. He might beat the guy to death, not that it isn't deserved, but we don't know how much information we could get out of this guy.

Alice finally finished with my healing and I stood up to stretch. It was still pretty early in the morning but I felt energized. We all stood around talking, and eventually Cain started nodding off. Chris and Elijah carried him over to the living and dropped him on one of the couches. Even with their not very graceful handling, he didn't wake up. He was more exhausted than he had let on. The rest of us continued just hanging out and at that moment I didn't want this to end. All of us together and just relaxing.

I hope whatever this next day brings, I'll get a break.

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