Chapter 9: Tell Us Everything

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I wasn't about to let Zedd simply get away with that. He has magic; I want to know everything. I urge my legs forward and head towards the gym but notice the game is at half time, and scanning the bleachers, I don't see Zedd. I refuse to be defeated and if Zedd is one of us, then he must have telepathy too.


No answer.


Again, no answer. No matter, I can be very annoying.

Zedd. Zedd. Zedd. Zedd.

What? His annoyed voice echoes in my head.

I smile at myself, we need to talk.

I'm busy.

Fine, I guess I'll just annoy you then...

I hear a groan and then he responds, Fine, meet me at Salem's...alone.

Not going to happen, Cain's voice rings.

Fine, he says, nonchalant, hurry up.

It doesn't take us long to meet him in front of Salem's. He's standing there with Alessia who looks like she'd rather be anywhere but here. We don't go inside, instead he takes us to the fountain where we sit on the benches.

"You shouldn't have shown them your magic," Alessia cold voice rings, "It was supposed to be us."

"They were in trouble."

"How is that our problem?"

Zedd rolls his eyes, "Anyway, what did you want to know?"

"Everything?" Alice says, awkwardly.

He sighs, "Fine in order to tell you my story, you need to know the history...

"I'm sure you know this place was founded by people running from the witch trials, but there weren't five families that founded this. There was supposed to be a sixth but they were supposedly "killed" in the witch hunt. They were about to get caught heading to this settlement so they burned their house down and escaped. In the house was everything they owned and they used illusions to make it seem like the family was dead. Once the witch hunt stopped, they wanted to go to the settlement but couldn't find their way until much, much later. Regardless, that's how we got our magic."

"So you're from the sixth family?" I ask, "Why weren't you guys mentioned if you made that sacrifice?"

He shrugs, "Probably because no one knew they were alive. Our ancestors came a long time after your ancestors but your ancestors were already gone. So our ancestors didn't stay. They lived by themselves, practicing magic."

"So what magic do you have?" Cain asks.

"Speed and illusions," Alessia speaks.

"Wind and energy balls," Zedd speaks.

"Aren't those common powers?," I point out.

He nods, "They are, but mine are increased."

Something doesn't make sense about this answer but I decide to let it go. Zedd and Alessia seem to know more about this than any of us anyways.

"Anyway, we came back here after our parents died. We wanted something from our history, and that's when we met you five."

"You knew we were witches?" Alice asks.

Alessia rolls her eyes, "Obviously." Her attitude is really a bad one.

"We weren't going to say anything because we didn't know if you guys knew...but tonight I heard your thoughts when you fighting and knew you needed help."

"Well thanks for that," I tell him and he smirks at me.

"What doesn't make sense to me is that you guys never even tried to talk to us, and tonight you show up out of nowhere with magic?" Elijah speaks, "And Alessia, where were you?"

"At the game," she responds dryly, "I didn't think you were worth my time."

Zedd shakes his head, chuckling, "Alessia is very antisocial, ignore her."

Before anyone else can ask a question, Alessia speaks, "If you don't believe us, then explain why the fountain is a hexagon and not a pentagon."

"That could be for plenty reasons," Chris points out and I see Alessia's eye flare at him. We all need to calm down before someone harms the other.

"Okay," I break the tension, "We are thankful to you tonight for helping us. It's been a long night, we should all get some rest."

Zedd nods in agreement, "Agreed."

We all get up and are on our way when Zedd's voice rings in my head. I look around and no one else heard his voice.

If you ever want to train, let me know. I can help you.

I look at him, who has a smirk on his face.

Thanks but I think I'll be fine alone.

Suit yourself but you know how to reach me if you want.

With that said, Zedd and Alessia disappeared. We all walk home in silence, and once we reach our homes, I absolutely know we're all going to fall asleep. I plop in bed, not even bothering removing my mascara and sigh. As much as I appreciate Zedd helping us, there's something off about him. I'll ask Alice if she can find anything else on the sixth family.

Touch of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora