Chapter 23: The Dream

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 We hung around for several more hours after that, just talking absentmindedly about stuff and watching whatever show someone suggested. It was just the five of us having fun doing whatever, and I wished it could go on forever. When the sky started to darken, though, everyone prepared to go home.

Before leaving, Alice asked Cain and I if we were going to school tomorrow. Cain and I exchanged a glance.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore so I should be okay," Cain answered.

"You really don't want me to heal you?" Alice raised an eyebrow, "Compared to Victoria's wounds, this would be nothing."

"Hell no, I've got a reputation to keep. Anyone who thinks I've been getting soft lately can take a look at this and shove off."

I shrugged, "I don't get it, but if that's what makes you happy Cain."

I walked with them to the front door and we all stood on the porch for a moment, taking in the crisp, chilly night air. We said our farewells and I watched Elijah walk off, and Chris escorting Alice back to her house. Those two were so obvious except to each other.

Only Cain was the last to leave. He was next to be watching the others leave. When they were gone he turned to me.

"Are you really okay with going to school tomorrow? Seeing Zedd?"

I thought about it for a moment, but then returned his gaze with new resolve, "I can't just run away. This is something I have to face. I was scared before but," I smiled at Cain, "Thanks to you, I know I'll be fine. I'm glad you were with me today, Cain."

The tender look on Cain's face at that moment was different from his usual gruff persona. Along with the soft breeze rustling his hair and a faint grin, he seemed so gentle. He reached over and gave me a brief hug before he started heading down the steps to leave. But he abruptly stopped midway, and I saw him look over at his house. There was a light shining through one of the windows. His dad. He seemed to hesitate over something for a moment, and then he pivoted back around to face me. He still didn't say anything, but I saw him take a deep breath before marching back towards my house. I thought he must still have some pent up frustration about his dad, but Cain took my hand in his before I could say anything.

"I don't want to leave."

The way he held my hand so tightly, I could tell his words were more than just about his dad. There was an emotion there that he wanted to convey to me, but was too scared to show completely. And to be honest, I was too. But at the same time, I wanted Cain's comforting presence.

So we went back into my house. We made ourselves comfortable in the living room and settled down for more Netflix. I'm not sure how long we were awake after that, but at some point I drifted to sleep to the sound of the show playing and Cain's warm scent.

But destiny wasn't planning on giving me a break. Once again, a vivid scene came together in my mind.

That figure was only a couple feet in front of me. He was still hazy with indistinguishable features. I couldn't see his eyes, but I still felt a gaze looking me up and down. When he was satisfied he turned and started walking. He wanted me to follow him now. I kept a few paces behind him and looked around. These dreams rarely had settings. Most of the time I was just wandering around aimlessly in a fog. But now we seemed to be in some sort of brick-walled corridor. It was dark, and the only light I could see was at some unseen end of whatever path we were taking.

Before I knew it, he had led me to a room with a single table in the center. Sitting on it was what looked to be an old, weathered book. It was black and covered in a layer of dust. I could see dark purple markings and engravings along the spine and edges of the cover.

Open it.

A voice whispered to me. I looked up at the figure. He stood on the opposite side of that table from me. He didn't move, but I heard it again. There was something ominous about this book.

I won't.

I stood my ground, clenching my fist. Whoever this is, he can't control me. I won't let him. His silhouette flickered for a moment. When I confront him, does his facade waver?

Don't you trust me? He asked.

I shook my head. I don't know who you are. My mind is split two ways, telling me to trust you but also avoid you. This book, though, that you are trying to lead me towards, tells me that if I open it, I won't be able to turn back. I'm stronger than these dreams. I am more than this so-called destiny that some greater force is trying to push me towards. I can change this.

I walked around the table and stood as close to the figure as I could, trying to see past the blur and hopefully get some sort of recognition. Who are you?

He stepped back and motioned toward the book again.

Why? He looked back towards me, It is something especially for you, to help you become what you're meant to be.

So he's just going to ignore me if I ask about his identity. I looked at the book again. I was right, this is a book of darkness. And he wants me to embrace it. Is this what's inside of me all this time? This presence of evil, that would be so easy to unleash with just the opening of a book?

I clenched my fists tighter and recalled Cain's voice and his words. I'm not some corrupt person. I have friends that I care for and love. I'd never let them get hurt. I glared up at the figure, staring straight into where I thought his eyes should be.

I will choose what I become. Cain reminded me today of all the people that I love and am loved by. He is the one I trust the most.

And that's when I saw him. The haze on the figure flickered and then disappeared, and in that moment, his face was revealed. I couldn't keep a gasp from escaping my lips. The haze quickly reformed in a poor attempt to keep his identity hidden. But we both knew, this game was over. Those eyes were unmistakable. The only difference now is that there was a pained look to them that was quickly replaced by coldness. He picked up the book, and without another word the room filled with the usual fog that was in my dreams, and he disappeared in the midst of it.

I woke up feeling shaken. My heart couldn't calm down from remembering the face I saw. Of all people, I should've known. Maybe I did know but didn't want to believe that it could be true. Or was I just naive?

In my stirred up state I accidentally woke up Cain, who I hadn't realized was sleeping next to me on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around both of us. He rubbed his eye and without saying anything, he stretched his arm out and pulled me towards him. The blanket wrapped tighter around me and he stroked my head. In a soft, groggy voice he spoke.

"It's okay, I'm here. You're safe."

I closed my eyes and tried to focus only on Cain's presence. But the only thing that came to my mind though was him. It was just for a brief moment, but I definitely saw him. There's no mistaking it.


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