Chapter 21: Witch Hunter

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My heart quickened when I saw Zedd walk into the office for our office period. He shot me a smile and I smiled faintly back at him. Zedd was very discreet about the witch hunter, he didn't let anyone see him. He said Alessia has her ways and we should let her get the information. There was something about it that gave me a bad feeling. As grateful as I was to Zedd about him saving my life from them, I couldn't stop thinking about the text that Alessia sent him; she awakened it sooner than expected. I wasn't sure if they were talking about me, not 100% at least, but I couldn't think of anyone else. Either way, I knew I needed to see this witch hunter.

"Does that sound good to you?" Zedd asks, I just realized I'd been zoning out everything he's been saying.

"What?" I ask, shooting him an apologizing gaze.

He shook his head, smiling, "Well I was saying that we should get coffee and maybe practice? Your magic has gotten better but there's always room for improvement."

"That sounds like a great idea...maybe another day, though."

"Oh?" He asks, raising an eyebrow, "I wasn't aware that you were busy."

"Cain and I have some studying to do."

"Cain is going to study?" Zedd asks, looking perplexed. I knew I should've had a better excuse.

I nod, "I'm forcing him too, he needs to keep his grades up."

Zedd laughs, "Good luck, that is a beast all on its own."

I nod, thankful that Zedd has dropped the topic. I was in the clear.

Or so I thought. Cain walked into the office, looking pissed.

"Cain?" I say his name, "What's wrong?"

He looks at me, his eyes soften but through gritted teeth, he speaks, "Coach Link says I'm benched until I get my English grade up. What kind of bullshit is that? So I have to fill out a form for my teacher to sign when I get it up."

Zedd nods, "Well then it's a good thing that you and Victoria are doing a study night."

I look at Cain, a flash of panic rushes over me. Cain has no idea about this, it was a lie I made up. Zedd's going to get suspicious which puts my plans tonight in jeopardy. I knew I should've said Alice.

"Yeah, Victoria is great like that," Cain says in a calm, cool tone. He doesn't make eye contact with me and doesn't speak with me telepathically.

Zedd smiles as the bell rings, releasing us, "See you tomorrow." I smile a bye to him, gathering my things. I smile Cain a thanks and try to squeeze past him but he grabs my arm. His expression tells me that I'm not leaving.

"Oh no," he says, "You are going to tell me exactly what you are doing tonight and why you lied to Zedd."

"Cain, it's really not a big thing." I try to downplay it but his expression tells me he doesn't believe me, "Okay fine, I'm going to follow Zedd."


"I want to see the witch hunter."

"Have you lost your mind?!" Cain essentially shouts.

"Shh," I shush him, "You're going to cause a scene."

"Why would you want to see the witch hunter? Especially since they're intent on killing you, and almost succeeded."

I don't want to tell Cain the truth. If I do, then it'll make Zedd seem like a bad guy and I'm not sure if he is. On the other hand, I can't think of any way to tell Cain something without it leading back to the text, "There's something going on, I don't know what, but there's something. I think the witch hunters know something and I need to know what it is. So get out of my way, or help."
He stares at me for a few minutes before sighing, "Fine, let's go."

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