Chapter 5: Sleepover

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I was still shaking a little from the whole thing. I texted Alice and the others to come over because I didn't want to leave the house. When they arrived, I explained the whole thing. I explained how the figure appeared, I explained how they used magic, and I told them about how I stopped their magic. Cain explained his part of the story. After we finished talking, everyone sat there, eyes wide.

"Whoa," Elijah whistles, "You had quite the night. I'm glad you made it out alive."

"So basically you guys had your magic kick in," Alice speaks, "Looks like it was true that we were all going to get magic. First me and Chris, and now you guys."

Chris cocks his head, "Is what I experienced before magic?"

Alice nods, "If I can recall," she ponders for a moment, "It's a sort of intuition. Although I'm still not sure why you experienced this and the rest of us haven't. For now I'm assuming it's just a difference in how its awakening in us."

"But I haven't had any magic kick in," Elijah pitches in.

"Well you haven't been in a situation yet...I guess."

Alice brings out a notepad, "Tell me again all the different powers."

I begin listing them out, "The figure had a big ball of energy. They had wind I guess because it flew me back, and cloning." Alice nods as she writes it down. Then she looks at me to continue. "I can only assume that the way I stopped the attack was with a power.. When the ball was heading towards me, I held my hands out and the ball disappeared. When they stood in front of me and tried to clone themselves, I grabbed their wrist and their magic pretty much vanished. I think they were as shocked as me."

Alice nods again and now looks at Cain. Cain groans, "Like I said before, I felt like I could conjure up an animal. I wanted to go fast and I felt like a cheetah. I know I said I felt like a gorilla but I didn't feel like an animal then, I just felt strong."

Alice writes that down and closes her notebook, "Okay here's the deal, I'll google this all tonight. I'm sure the web has more information on this magic. I will get with you guys when I get more information. I'll also see what I can dig up on hooded dark figures and see if I get a match. I'll keep you guys updated. Until then, we should try to get some rest."

Good luck with that, I mentally think to myself but then something strange happens. I hear a response back and this isn't my voice. Agreed. It sounds like Cain. I turn around and look at him who looks at me back with eyebrows raised. Looking around, everyone is looking at each other.

"Did we all just hear that?" I ask and everyone nods in unison, "Okay that's creepy."

Alice shakes her head, "No that's telepathy. I think with our powers coming forward, we're gaining more and more new things."

"So basically we can eavesdrop into each others thoughts?" Chris asks. Alice nods. "Damn."

"Guess you can't think dirty thoughts anymore, huh?" Elijah says, cracking up and hitting him in the shoulder. Chris rolls his eyes. I see him look over to Alice, who's giggling, and turn sheepish. Does someone have a crush?

Probably, Cain's voice rings back. I roll my eyes, but no one else heard that. I guess there's still some kinks we need to work out.
"Okay well I'm going to head to bed," Alice announces, and then looks at me, "Unless you want me to stay over if you don't want to be by yourself?"

I shake my head, "No, no, I'm good."

"You sure?" She asks, "I can definitely do a sleepover."

I nod, "Trust me, I barely sleep anyway. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay."

She smiles softly, "Well okay then, good night."

Chris decides to walk her home; everyone's on high alert until we know what's going on. I bend down to pick up the broken pieces of the coffee table, which I will have to eventually replace before mom gets home, and I hear a throat being cleared.

"You sure you don't want company?" Elijah asks.

I roll my eyes, still picking up the pieces. "I'm positive."


"I'm okay!" I say, forcefully.

Elijah sighs, "Okay, well if you need me just text me."

"Good night," I tell him and hear him leave. Turning around, I expected to see Cain there but he wasn't. He must've left. I shut the door, locking it, and throw the pieces of the table in a giant trash bag. I blow out all the candles, turn the lights off, and retreat upstairs. My body is exhausted and aches from tonight, but I know I probably won't get any sleep. As I get upstairs, I see Cain sitting on my windowsill.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as he lays down on the very tiny window seat.

He puts his hands behind his head and smiles, "Making myself comfortable."

"How come?"

"For tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"Sleepover!" He says, chuckling.



"No," I give him a stern look, "Go home."

"No can do," he tells me, "Gotta be here to protect you."

I scoff, "I can protect myself."

He nods, "I don't doubt it but it helps to have extra backup." He smirks at me, "Besides, imagine waking up to this gorgeous face."

I roll my eyes, "Fine, but don't get any ideas."

He holds a hand over his heart, fake hurt on his face, "I would never-I am a gentleman."

"Tell that to the ten girls you had over last weekend."

He grins, "Well had to end the summer with a bang."

"Literally," I smirk. I get him a blanket and get under the covers, "Good night."

"Good night, sleep well."

And surprisingly that night, I slept the best I have in a long time.

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