earlier risers and new friends

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no matter what one may say, five am is too fucking early for anyone to be awake. what the fuck does anyone even do at five a.m.? jerk off? write fanfictions?? well, tommy wasn’t doing either of those, but he was watching the clock on his phone switch from five o seven  to five o eight. this was a fucking nightmare. he’d fallen asleep wayyy too early the previous night, and was now suffering the consequences by waking up way too fucking early. he didn’t need to be awake for another two fucking hours, and his alarm wasn’t even set for another hour. sigh. whatever. this gave him time to familiarize himself with the noises of the house. the bathroom, which was the door across the hall from his, phil had said, had a faucet dripping in it. it was fucking annoying. if he was awake enough, he would’ve gotten up and turned that shit off.

tommy pulled his headphones out of his ears, then wrapped them back around his phone. it was nice when he was first going to sleep, but now his ears were sore as hell. he should’ve played his music on the computer, or the television or something, in hindsight. he sat up with a quiet groan. his whole body was sore. he blinked a couple times, squinting in an attempt to get used to the dim light in his bedroom. he smiled at the poster of some sort of movie screenshot that was hung directly across from his bed. It was really pretty. he was pretty sure that it was from spirited away, or something, because it was a train on some sort of pink-ish water. whatever it was, he loved it and it was a lovely sight to wake up to. 

after a few more minutes of aimlessly looking around his bedroom, he stood up, stretching and feeling like- pretty much every single one of his bones crack. the floor was fucking freezing. he squatted down to the bottom shelf of his dresser and grabbing a pair of light pink socks. he pulled them on as quietly as he could without sitting back down, which was a process that he was genuinely surprised when he didn’t make a shit ton of noise, or fall or anything during. this was better. he grabbed his plate from the night before with his left hand, using his right one to open the door as silently as he possibly could. he waited a moment to make sure that no one else had woken up before proceeding.

there was loud as hell snoring coming from the room directly next to his. he’d heard it back when he was in his room, but now he could place where it was coming from. he was pretty sure this on was wilbur’s room, judging from both the blurry memory of the previous night where phil was pointing out which room belonged to who, and the collage of newspapers and magazines on the door. now, this didn’t exactly say it was wilburs room- no headline clippings that spelled out his name or anything, but from what he could tell, techno was not the type to have this sort of thing. there was more gentle snoring coming from the room across from wilburs. this one, he remembered, was phil’s, because the man had ,ade a pretty big point of reminding tommy that he could go in there at any point, even if it was like four a.m., to get him no matter what. this meant that the door right next to wil’s was techno’s. he heard some sort of quiet talking and tommy thought for a moment that techno was awake, but some weird noise that tommy could only assume to be some sort of youtube sound effect indicated that the teen probably fell asleep watching youtube or something. 

tommy tried his best to step quietly, but he clearly didn’t know the house well enough to get his footing right, because each step he took felt louder than the last. luckily, he could still hear wilbur’s obnoxiously loud snoring, phil’s much quieter snoring, and techno’s video playing. he didn’t even try to test his luck with the stairs, choosing instead to slide down the banister. it may have been risky in a house he wasn’t too familiar with, but it didn’t creak or break under his weight, so it was good enough for him.

rather than hopping off like a complete dumbass, he stepped off onto the second to last stair, then walked down the last two steps. he walked into the kitchen, dumping the now hard noodles unto the trash. he turned the sink on to about half pressure, rinsed the plate, then gently set it in the sink. tommy had been careful not to make too much noise, and had even gone as far as to leave the lights of as to not draw too much attention to himself, so one could imagine his surprise when he turned around to see a cloaked figure standing in front of him.

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