Drabble #3 Pregnant

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Summery: Kagome tells Inuyasha she's pregnant.

What started as a wonderful morning for the legendary Hanyou and Miko couple, turned into an unexpected one. Kagome, the wife of the famous Hanyou Inuyasha got up quickly and ran to the bucket, and started throwing up.
" Kagome! What's wrong?! Are you sick?!" Inuyasha cried.

" This is the 3rd day in a row that this as happened." She said.

" What?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Inuyasha exclaimed.

" Well, number one, I just did and number 2, you and Miroku were on that slaying trip the last few days." She replied.
Suddenly it occurred to Kagome. Could she be pregnant? " I'm going to Kaede's. I'll be back later." She continued.

Sure enough a few hours later she found Inuyasha in his spot on the tree of ages. " Inuyasha, I need to tell you something!" Kagome called to him.

He jumped down instantly. " Are you ok? You're not dying are you?" He rambled.

She shushed him then took his hands. " I'm fine Inuyasha."

" Than what's wrong?" He tilted his head like dogs do when they're confused.

" Inuyasha, I'm pregnant." She said.

" Huh?"

" I'm with child!" Kagome corrected.

" You're carrying a pup?" Inuyasha asked.

She nodded happily. He picked her up bridal style and spun her around.

" You have made me the happiest Hanyou ever!"

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