I miss these days

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A/n: I just wrote this like two minutes ago on discord 😂

Dad would take my hand and hold it tight,
Mama would soothe and sing me to sleep every night.
My kitty would purr and rub against my arm,
My parents would kiss me goodnight while they set my alarm.

I miss these days, I miss them good,
I miss the ways, my parents understood.
I miss the ways we'd cuddle up together,
Promising we'd stay together forever.

But darkness dwells on even the lightest of hearts,
And death stops for no one, and drives families apart.

I wish I could've made more memories with you,
And now I just think of you guys and all we could do.

But now it's too late,
You're both six feet in the ground,
But I can still hear your voices, those cheery, loving sounds..

Sometimes I feel like you're both still around,
Talking about work, or going downtown.
I miss the way we'd do things back then,
Back when you were here,
When you weren't dead.

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