Chapter 8 - She's Like Cold Coffee in the Morning

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Harry's Perspective

"So why have you called us here?" I asked, looking around at the almost deserted restaurant. I peered over my bottle of beer at the dark boy, raising my eyebrows at him. "Yeah, it was all kind of sudden Zayn." Niall chirped up, popping another cracker in his mouth. We all looked at him expectantly and watched him fiddle with his napkin.

He took a deep breath before looking up at us. The look he gave each one of us scared me. He looked as if he was angry, or maybe even upset, about something, and I didn't know if I wanted to find out.

"You boys are my best mates, and you all know you're like brothers to me, yes?" We all nodded in unison and waited for him to go on. "Well, as brothers, I expect you all to respect and accept any decisions I make, no matter what...or who." He emphasised the last word and the light bulb switched on.

"Amanda." I mumbled, placing my bottle down and giving Zayn my full attention. "Go on." I gestured with a wave of my hand. "Okay, look. I really do like Amanda and I really do want to help her, but you four aren't making it easy on either of us." He sounded tired and the noticeable bags under his eyes definitely proved that he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep.

"Why do you like her so much Zayn? She's only going to cause you grief!" Louis burst out, looking at Zayn with wide eyes. Zayn was noticeably taken aback by Louis outburst and frowned at him with a set jaw. "Because she is different. She's like a fresh breath of air after all the duds I've been with, even though she might be bogged down with some emotional baggage. I don't know what it is guys, but something is drawing me to her, and I'm not resisting. This is my decision, and you will have to come to terms with it, because I'm not changing my mind." We were all silent, and you could literally hear a penny drop in the room.

I could tell by the other boys faces that they still didn't like the 'Zayn and Amanda' relationship, so I knew that I wasn't in this boat alone. We all had the feeling that the relationship was going to hurt Zayn, but we didn't know how to change his mind about it. Even my brilliant and deceiving brain couldn't figure out a plan.

Suddenly, a crazy idea popped into my head. I knew Zayn wouldn't agree at first, but I had the feeling that all the boys would agree. If we were to put an end to this relationship, this was our only chance.

"Zayn, we all respect your decision on this," I began and hesitated as I felt the heat of the other boys stares. "so let us celebrate with a night out. Please? We haven't spent time together as friends in a while, and we've all missed you." I flashed him a grin and I noticed the others slowly nodding in agreement. "I don't know, I promised Amanda that I would be home late afternoon. I can't stretch it until what, one in the morning?" His worried frown didn't bother me at all and I just waved it off. "Call her and tell her you'll be hope late. Please Zayn, for us." You could practically see Zayn arguing with himself before his shoulders dropped and he sighed. "Okay, but just tonight!" He stood and excused himself so he could talk to Amanda and I flashed him a friendly smile.

As soon as Zayn left the room, all four pairs of eyes landed on me with a confused look. "Okay, you're all probably really confused, but my plan is ingenious! So, we all know how wild Zayn gets when he has a few drinks in him, yes?" All the boys nodded, the cogs visibly turning in their heads. "Well, if he keeps going home pissed, then Amanda won't have him to support her because she'll have to support HIM! She'll definitely crack, and we'll definitely save Zayn from heartbreak. So, are you in?" I looked around at my best mates as all of them nodded slowly. I grinned and picked up my beer again, throwing the remains back.

"But, are you sure this is really the best thing to do? If Zayn's happy. Then we should let him keep his happiness? Do you get me?" Niall chirped up. Before anyone could say anything in response to Niall's query, a smiling Zayn sat back at our table. "So, how did it go?" Lou asked him with an encouraging grin. "She said it was fine and that she doesn't mind being alone for a bit." He smiled and I clapped my hands. "Great! What are we waiting for? We'll drop past my place, get changed and head off. Agreed?" Without waiting for a response, I sauntered over to the front door and gestured for everyone to follow.

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