Chapter Four

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The coffee pot started to go off, lying in bed I finally got up and went to get my coffee. Only thing that helps me wake up. After my coffee I decided I needed a shower.

Today was going to be an interesting day, spending it with Steve. I remember him a little bit when we were little we used to always play together. I thought of him as my protector since he was a bit older than me.

I made something to eat after the shower, sitting at the table I could see that it started snowing, "right on schedule" I muttered as I finished my scrambled eggs.

Opening the door, there stood Steve, dressed like a lumberjack which made me smile, blue jeans that hugged his body, logger boots, black t-shirt red and black flannel and a jean jacket that had wool inside to keep him warm.

"Hi Laura" he said smiling, this guy was right on time. I am not used to that anymore; most people just show up when they want regardless of the time you tell them.

I opened the door farther, "come on in Steve, I was just putting on more coffee, I wasn't sure if you liked the stuff or not" I said as I was walking towards the kitchen.

Steve came in and shut the door, he was looking around, "I don't mind the stuff, it definitely is nice when you need to warm up" he said. "You have been busy with this place I see" he said as he walked to the kitchen.

"I needed to, I forgot how quiet it is around here" I said as I handed him his coffee, "wasn't sure how you liked it, the milk is in the fridge and the sugar is in the green bowl with the lid on it next to the coffee pot" I said as I sat down at the island.

"Thanks, so what's on the list?" he asked as he put in sugar and milk. "Well, I made a small list right now, wasn't sure what you could do" I said as I pulled out the list and set it in front of me.

Steve sat down next to me, "let's see" he said, I handed him the list and had more paper and a pen just in case I needed to get supplies form the store. "Well, I can chop the wood, move it to the garage and we can move some things around in the cabin" he said.

I sat there watching him, he was always taller than me when we were little, but he was a few years older than me, so I expected it. "How tall are you now Steve?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"I'm six foot three, why?" he asked looking at me, "I was curious, I was thinking about you last night and was remembering when we were little you were always taller than me, and seeing you after all these years I was curious" I said drinking my coffee.

He smiled at me, "and I see you still a short shit" he said laughing. I almost choked on my coffee, "excuse me?" I asked. "Well, when you were little, you were so tiny, in height and you just seemed like a fragile little doll but you were mouthy though, I will give you that" he said smirking drinking his coffee.

We were quiet for a bit, both lost in thought from all those years ago, and I looked over at him, I never noticed he had the most beautiful kind of brown eyes, when the light hit them just right, the gold that was mixed in the brown, shimmered.

It was so memorizing, to see that. Never noticed that in anyone before. But then in the city no one ever really would look you in the eye. It was as if they didn't want you to see who they truly were.

"Well let's start with the wood, since you know how fast the weather can change around these parts" he said as he stood up. I slide off the chair and was standing right next to him.

I came up to his chest. I had to Crain my neck to look up at him. I started laughing, "what's funny?" he asked but I saw the smirk. "I am a short shit aren't I" I responded.

Steve stood there looking down at me, "yes you are" he said and winked. He strolled to the front door, and I stood there watching him, he turned and caught me checking him out.

I blushed and went to get my coat; I could hear him snicker. "Damn it" I muttered under my breath. "Okay let's go do this" I said and he stood there looking at me. "What?" I asked.

"You are going to wear that outside working with the wood?" he asked. I looked at him and then at my clothes, "what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked a bit irked that he even asked.

"Laura, you're wearing a fall coat that is made for running from your car to the shops, and your boots are fashion ones not suited for this area or climate" he said. I huffed at him.

"Look Steve, if you must know since you're picking on my outfit, I haven't gone shopping for warmer clothes, this is all I have and now that you know can you just not" I said as I opened the door and headed outside.

Steve shut the door and caught up to me, "Laura, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean I just thought you were being funny is all" he said. I looked up at him, and saw he really was sorry.

"Thanks, and it's okay, it'll take some time for us to relearn each other again after all these years" I said. He nodded and smiled, "okay Ill chop the wood and once the pile is big enough, we can bring it into the garage" he said.

"Sounds good to me" I said and went to the wood shed and opened the door making sure there wasn't anything that would jump out at me. "I forgot that you guys throw mothballs in here" I said backing up.

"It helps keep the bugs out since no one's really been in here for close to twenty years now, every now and again I'll move the wood around and spray it for spiders and such, but that's about it" he said.

For the next few hours, we worked as a team, which was nice. He would chop the wood and after a bit we would load up the garage. There was a nice pile going? If the storm hits and I burned nonstop, this pile would last me for three days by the time we were done.

Steve was cleaning up outside, "I'm going to go in and figure out dinner, what to join me?" I asked as I was heading in, "how about I treat you to dinner in town and we can pick up a few things for this place?" Steve asked.

I thought about it, and actually not cooking sounded great to me, "sure, give me a few to clean up?" I asked. "How about in an hour I'll be back and pick you up, that gives you time to clean up and myself also" he said.

"Sounds great to me, see you in an hour" I called out as he got into his truck and we waved, once he left, I went in and shut the door. "Was this a date? Or just friends going to grab something to eat?" I asked out loud looking at the little bit of clothes I had.

"Well shit, just in case I'll go for semi casual but with makeup just in case" I said and then laughed, thinking why on earth would he want to even entertain that idea of him and I, I thought as I went to take a shower. 

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